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4 Skills Every Child Needs to Learn before the Age of Ten

One day, you’re cradling your newborn baby. The next day, they’re graduating from high school. Okay, it doesn’t happen that fast, but it can seem like it. Children grow up before our very eyes and take on all sorts of talents, from walking to speaking to riding bikes. You need to be as aware of your child’s development as possible. Here are four skills every child needs to learn before the age of ten.


We might spend the vast majority of our time on land. However, understanding how to swim is critical for your child’s survival. We’d not being overdramatic here either. A fun day at the beach or on a boat can become tragic without proper swimming technique. The best way to keep your child safe in the water is to start your baby swimming early. Have them take swimming lessons as a baby. A positive relationship with water at a young age is very important. Make sure you find a qualified instructor who can teach them all kinds of techniques, from front-stroke to backstroke and breaststroke as they get older.


Reading is much more than just recognizing letters and knowing how to form words. It involves a careful understanding of what sentences mean and how they create a text. Proper reading comprehension is necessary for children to develop properly. Your child should be able to read at or above their grade level. If they seem to be struggling, as their teacher for intervention options. You or an instructor can work with them to have a better understanding of what they’re reading. The more they understand how to read effectively, the more likely they are to enjoy it. Another way to help is through their interests. Find out what topics spark their curiosity the most. Then, find books that are related to these matters.


Responsibility isn’t something that everyone receives the moment they turn 18. Rather, it’s accumulated gradually through life experiences. You should base responsibility on one’s age. So, you might not ask a ten-year-old to house-sit. However, they should be able to do things like chores and homework without being told. This is a trait that comes through constant reinforcement and practice. Accept that your child won’t always take responsibility and trust that they will get the message through you stressing it. If they don’t understand why something was irresponsible, take time to patiently explain it. Then, you can tell them what they should’ve done and decide on a plan so that the mistake isn’t repeated in the future.

First Aid

Being a parent means dealing with lots of cuts and scrapes. When something happens to a toddler, you need to take charge due to their age and lack of understanding. The older kids get, the more they need to fend for themselves. Major medical emergencies will require you and a doctor’s care, of course. However, if your child skins a knee while playing outside, they should understand how to clean and bandage it. When you’re taking care of these minor injuries, make sure that they’re paying close attention. Let them know that you love them but that you won’t always be there when they get hurt. They should also know about things like performing the Heimlich maneuver when someone is choking.

We hope this has given you a stronger understanding of what skills children need to learn before turning ten. As your child grows up, there will be things that they have an immediate knack for and ones they struggle with. Don’t stress. Allow them to learn at their own rate and know that success is always a possibility.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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