4 Teaching Styles to Help Express Information More Effectively

No one can deny that teachers have a tough job. Depending on the size of the group and the age range of the students involved, a teaching experience can be anywhere from effortless and synergistic to nearly impossible and painful. But, an exploration of different teaching styles should help any instructor figure out a pathway forward successfully. You need to understand some of these tricks if you want to be an efficient teacher.

So what are some tips for teachers regarding trying to figure out stylistic opportunities? Teachers can attempt the flipped classroom concept. They can try to figure out how to utilize their understanding of different ways of learning. They can look at intelligence quotients versus emotional intelligence. And, there’s the discovery method of figuring out if it’s better to question a classroom or give a lecture. Let us look at the main teaching styles that will develop you into an effective instructor.

1. The Flipped Classroom:

When the teacher tries out the flipped classroom concept, they are essentially teaching the class through prerecorded videotapes first. It I among the modern teaching styles that tutors are using to deliver the desired content.  If everyone watches these videotapes on their own time, that means that the actual class time will be spent asking questions and interacting with each other rather than just listening to dry material. Flipped classrooms have been shown to be extremely useful as long as students watch and understand the material ahead of time and come to class prepared. Students tend to grasp more when they use both their listening and visual sights.

2. Understanding Different Ways of Learning:

Every person has a different way that they prefer to learn. Some people like to hear the material. Others want to read it. Still another group prefers to learn by touching things and manipulating physical objects. Therefore, you need to understand the preferences of your various learners if you want to be an effective tutor. Ideally, a teacher will combine all of the most effective methods that they can, and tried to create individualized plans for different types of learners. This isn’t always entirely efficient or practical, but it should be taken as an overall concept rather than a specific methodology. Even though it can hard to meet the needs of all students, you should try to balance various teaching methods of you want to become an effective teacher.

3. IQ Versus EI:

A lot of teachers try to approach their students by looking at IQ, or intelligence quotient. However, studies of shown that outside of the idea of intelligence as a ratio, you can teach by focusing on emotional intelligence as well. Learning isn’t just about memorizing facts or knowing things. It’s also about figuring out how to connect with people in a social network so that work can be done. That’s why emotional intelligence as a concept is so vital to today’s teachers. Most teachers rely more on IQ and not emotional intelligence but the former proves to be more effective than the later.

4. Questions Versus Lectures:

There are a few different core methods for teachers to get their messages across in front of a classroom. One approach might involve a teacher giving an excellent and compelling lecture in front of the group. Another method might be to ask questions of the students continually. Combining these two methods together is probably the most effective way to get information across to the broadest type of audience, but still having one core focus is not a bad idea depending on the circumstance and in context. These four tips will help you to become more effective in the process of disseminating knowledge to a broad range of learners.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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