4 Things You Should Replace in Your 24-hour Survival Kit

A 24-hour survival kit can be a valuable tool if a disaster should ever strike. This kit can include medical supplies and other items that may be vital to your survival if you ever become trapped or are unable to access help right away. Certain items in your kit may have shelf lives and should be replaced regularly so that you won’t be left with any survival gear that is past its expiration date and won’t be useful. Here are some of the main items that you might need to replace in your 24-hour survival kit.

Aspirin or Other Pain Relievers

You may keep aspirin or other pain relief medication in your kit to use if you become sick or injured during or in the immediate aftermath of the disaster and want to alleviate any of the associated pain and discomfort. This medication will expire after a certain date, and it’s important to check all expiration dates regularly so that you won’t have to take medication that’s no longer effective. You may also need to replace the pain relievers if your survival kit has been stored in a place that was exposed to extreme temperatures that could have lessened the strength of the medicine. Remember to add low-dose or children’s pain relievers if you have had kids in the time since you originally made your kit.


Batteries are needed to power any portable radios, flashlights, or other battery-operated electronic devices that can be useful in your survival. Most of the leading batteries on the market have long shelf lives and can last for several years, but you’ll want to check and replace expired batteries as soon as possible so that you can have batteries that are fully functional in your kit. Expired batteries can also leak acid, which can damage other items in your kit. Bulk alkaline batteries are known to be highly reliable and are usually inexpensive to buy.

Antibiotic Ointment

Antibiotic ointment can be used to treat any cuts or other skin injuries that you might sustain to avoid infections. Expired antibiotic ointment won’t be able to kill the bacteria that can make infections worse and should be replaced immediately. As with pain medication, you may also need to replace your antibiotic ointment if you store your kit in a place that’s exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures.


Even foods that are labeled as “nonperishable” usually have expiration dates. Eating food that has expired can make you sick and create more problems for you if you need to rely on it for survival after a disaster. Bugs and other parasites can also make their ways into expired foods that sometimes have worn packaging. Any water that you keep in your survival kit should also be replaced regularly so that you won’t have to drink old water that might have high concentrations of bacteria and other germs.

Having a 24-hour survival kit that includes items that are renewed continuously can better ensure your wellbeing in the event of a disaster. Checking the expiration dates of items in your kit regularly could be key to your survival.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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