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4 Upgrades for Changing Your Home Aesthetic

If you feel like it’s time for a change to your home’s look, you’re not alone. Plenty of people change their home every year in order to reap the benefits, such as a more pleasant home, lifestyle upgrade, and more. It’s important to have a home that fits in with your personal aesthetic. In fact, it can increase the home value too. However, you might be looking for some pointers on which projects to start with. Here are 4 upgrades to change first:




Do you ever have your relatives come over for the holidays? If you do, you might have heard their comments on how your driveway is cracked. Or they might have scraped the bottom of their sedan because your curb height is too tall. These are just some of the issues with an outdated driveway. A poor driveway design can also make your home less desirable to potential buyers. It tells them that you don’t care about the look of your home. And this is especially true because it’s one of the first things they will see. You can update your driveway by using stamped concrete to add a little extra design and add to the aesthetic of your home exterior.




The windows of the home take up virtually half of the exterior and interior. When you think about it, they are doubly as valuable to update as other components. Beautiful windows can produce an aesthetic that informs the rest of your design. Luckily, residential window services can help you pick new windows that make sense for you. That way, your new paint, trim, and other aspects will all flow together seamlessly. There won’t be any surprises. If you find nature to be relaxing, plan your windows to make the most out of any scenic views you might have from your home.


Open Concept


A lot of homes are moving to more open design concepts. This means that instead of having cramped quarters with tight walls, you have more floor space to move around in. It doesn’t just create more physical space. It also lets the eye see farther and give the mind the impression of freedom, relaxation, and possibilities. An open floorplan will allow for more decorating space to allow you design freedom to achieve the look you want.




There is no point updating your paint, your trim, your windows, and more without doing your appliances too. If they look like they’re from the 80’s while everything else is modern, they’ll stand out. So go with stainless steel or another modern design to lift the aesthetic.


Getting your home into the right shape for your goals is a smart move. Everyone deserves a living space they love and reflects their personal design style. This will help you enjoy the space more, in addition to letting you sell it for more if you want. So don’t feel overwhelmed. If you do the four upgrades above, you will be far along your journey of transforming your home’s aesthetic into something you can truly be proud of.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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