4 Ways to Enjoy Your Patio Even as Winter Sets In

When the weather turns cold, it usually means spending most of the time indoors. Why waste the time creating a backyard oasis if you can only use it part of the year? We have four tips to help you get year-round fun out of your patio this year.

Outdoor space heaters

An excellent way to make the patio more comfortable is to use a space heater. This item is available at any hardware store. Space heaters are not as expensive as big-ticket items like patio enclosures, so they make it easy to have fun and get outside no matter what the temperature. These generate heat that you can control to maintain comfortable temperatures even in below-freezing weather. Keep in mind, however, that the reach of the heater will be greatly affected by things like wind and snowfall, making it best for close proximity heating.

Fire pits

Families can have a ton of fun with a fire pit. From roasting marshmallows to wieners, there are tons of foods to enjoy over the fire. Sit by the flames with a warm mug of apple cider or hot chocolate and catch up with a friend. Not only are firepits an elegant addition to any patio, they are also easy to use and maintain. As long as you keep your wood stored in a dry place during inclement weather, you can have access to safely isolated, roaring fires all year round. It would also be wise to include a cover for the pit to protect the interior from rain and snow that would dampen its effectiveness.

Hot tubs

What better way to beat the heat than in a pool of hot water with massaging jets? Hot tubs give you time to unwind and relax no matter what time of year. These investments add value to your property and create a space to forget about stressful times. You can throw a party, invite the neighbors, or get in a little alone time with someone special whether it is cold or hot outside. In the winter, you may even get a great deal at your local hot tub supply store.

Protective canopies

Putting a canopy over the patio will keep snow and ice out of the area. People can come and visit any time of the year because there will be a dry, comfortable place to sit. To make the most out of your patio, use all-season furniture or purchase weatherproof covers that resist fading and stand up to moisture. Many tarp materials are made specifically to repel water and resist snow sticking and freezing to the canopy.

Forget about packing up the patio furniture when the leaves fall. Get the full potential out of your backyard by adding a feature that will warm you up. Your patio is an extension of your home, and you want to use it as often as you can. By installing a fire pit or hot tub, you create a fun zone that you can use all year long. Plus, it will make your house the place to go when everyone else is stuck inside.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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