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4 Ways to Improve an Elderly Person’s Confidence

The reason that many older people become less social is not because of difficulties with transport, or lack of opportunity but rather because they lack the confidence to participate in social gatherings. This often has a severe and sometimes devastating effect on a person’s quality of life.

The reasons can often be clear. When dementia takes hold of a person and starts to affect them, the world can become a confusing place and if you no longer trust yourself to say the right thing or act in the right way you will lose the confidence to interact with others. In a similar manner, elderly people who have fallen, had a stroke, or become injured may not trust their bodies to act correctly, resulting in a lack of confidence. Again, these physical symptoms can have a huge, far-reaching effect on a person, no matter how confident they once were.

It’s not all doom and gloom however. As, in the most part, confidence can be gained as easily as it can be lost. According to Live-in Care Hub there are many ways to restore some confidence. Four ways you can help your relative gain confidence could be:

  • Remaining in a familiar environment
  • Accompanying them on social outings
  • Maintain independence
  • Know them as a person


A home at home

When things change elderly people, especially those suffering from Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia can become confused and worried. This, in turn, can affect their confidence to a high degree. A major change of scenery, such as a move to a care home, can be a serious turning point and cause them to lose all confidence in the security of home. A live in carer can help your relative to regain confidence in the home.

Travel with them

When recovering from a stroke or injury it can be difficult enough to negotiate a familiar environment without assistance and it can be easy for an older person to doubt their ability to do so. Ensuring that they have a chance to get out can help them to gain confidence in themselves, and may make them more adventurous in their interests allowing them to get the most out of their twilight years.



Many older people are forced to conform to the routines of the institution that they are in. In hospital or in a care home they have to eat at meal times and eat what is offered, sleep during sleeping times, have a bath when someone is available to assist. Care in the home maintains independence as far as is possible and bolsters confidence.



Your elderly relative is a person with a long history. They have experiences and knowledge that, if given a chance, they often are happy to share. All too often they feel excluded and ignored by busy care staff and by a family that can’t find time for long visits. A live in carer is as much a companion as they are a carer and they will take time to look at old photo albums, discuss current events, talk about the family they perhaps don’t see as often as they would like to. Treating an elderly person as another adult, rather than a child or imbecile, is a huge boost to their confidence and outlook on life in general.

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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