4 Ways to Meter and Manage your Home’s Temperature

Managing your temperature is an effective way of saving your energy costs. This is because, heating and cooling appliances use a bigger percentage of the general energy used at home. Heating alone contribute to 43% of the total household energy consumption. That is; house heating contribute to 29% while water heating uses 14% of the total energy consumption. On the other hand house cooling systems contribute to 17%. This means that temperature alone contribute to 60% of the house hold energy consumption. Therefore, metering and managing your temperature is one way toward saving your energy costs. Below are some ways that can help in managing your temperature:

Proper Maintenance

Having your systems inspected by a professional HVAC technician ensure that no energy is lost by faulty systems. Poorly maintained systems lose heat unnecessarily adding up to bills. The heating furnace filters should be cleaned often during the heating season to allow ventilation. Highly ventilated furnace ensures low energy consumption. When it comes to cooling make sure the filters of the air conditioner are clean during the cooling season.

Purchase an Efficient System

In both cooling and heating seasons it is vital to buy systems that have a 90% efficiency to prevent energy loss. Some companies, such as L.J. Kruse Company, know that you should buy equipment that is enough for the area you want to heat or cool. Avoid big air conditioning appliances that will cool even the unneeded areas.

Save Money on HVAC Costs

There is always a way to save money on heating and cooling costs.  You can install an efficient system for one.  Many newer systems, like those in smart homes, monitor and manage the temperature 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  They regulate and meter the heat and AC in each room according to your settings for maximum efficiency.  This is the easiest and most foolproof way of saving money on heating and cooling costs. You can also make a point to change the settings yourself if you have a manual system.  You need to keep it cooler than needed in the winter and hotter than needed in the summer so that your system saves electricity and you do not have to pay for it.

Supplemental Cooling and Heating Methods

When you want to save energy, you can do so by closing the door to ensure no cold is getting in during heating. You can also avoid overheating and instead use woolen blankets to ensure warmth is stored. Also, use aluminum foils to make sure the heat is reflected during heating. When it comes to cooling ensure windows are open for air circulation. You can also choose an attic fan to replace air conditioner since it’s cheaper.

Avoid Overusing Your Systems

It is advisable to switch off your equipment when you are not using them. You can have a programmed thermostat to switch on your heater or air conditioner before you get home. When the summer season is over, switch off your cooling systems and when the winter is over switch on your heating systems.

The above methods will ensure you temperature is manageable considerably. It would also ensure you do not get any harm associated with man-made heating systems.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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