4 Ways to Plan Your Home Decor from Scratch

You’ve just moved into a new home. Maybe you’ve decided your current space needs a complete overhaul. Planning home decor from the ground up can be overwhelming. It’s not impossible, as long as you know where to start. Keep reading for four ways to plan your home decor from scratch.

Start by Taking Stock

Take stock of what you currently own to determine what you want to use in the space. Whether it’s a colorful throw pillow or a large, plush couch, it’s a starting point for choosing colors, textures, styles, and more as you begin building your new space. You don’t have to get rid of whatever you’re not going to use, either. Whatever doesn’t fit the new look you’re going for can be kept in a storage unit for future redecorating options or to give to your kids when they move out on their own.

Don’t Ignore Paint

Paint is such an easy and inexpensive way to change a room that people often don’t give it enough credit. A simple change in paint color can brighten or warm a room or make it seem bigger or smaller. If you’re interested in a bold color but afraid to paint all the walls, try doing a single accent wall instead. It can give you that pop of color you want without being too much. This can make your home décor look that much better with accenting colors.  There is always time to make your décor that much better.

Invest in the Right Pieces

Pillows, rugs, and throw blankets are all inexpensive and easily changed options. A sofa, reading chair or coffee table is an expensive investment and one that you want to last. Choose neutral colors and solid pieces that will stand up to time and use. Read reviews online. If you have kids or pets, find out the cleaning instructions to ensure that it can be easily cleaned when things get messy. Take your time to think through the process and make sure to get the right pieces that you really want to adorn your home.

Draw up a Floor Plan for a Good Fit

It’s important to know that everything will fit well in the space you have before you invest in all of it. Use an online floor planner, or just grab a pencil and some paper and draw one up freehand. Measure the space, measure the pieces you plan to put in it, and draw the pieces on your plan. Remember that furniture in a showroom with 20-foot ceilings will look a lot smaller than it looks in your living room that only has 10-foot ceilings. Measure for both length and width, but also for height. Ensure that the look you want is what you’ll get.

Redecorating your living space, or decorating a new one can be fun and exciting. By having a plan before you begin, you’ll ensure that the fun continues even after you’re done. It will also ensure that the money you invest in your new home decor isn’t wasted, and that will keep you smiling for sure.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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