4 Ways Your Business Can Succeed Through Employee Empowerment

Many business owners and managers feel that they are responsible for a company’s success. While this is true in part, every employee also plays a key role. However, everyone must understand the ways in which they can help, along with relevant resources. Here are four ways a company’s employees contribute to its success.


Recognition and Rewards

Employees should be encouraged to excel at their jobs with positive reinforcement. Taking a proactive approach to problem-solving and goal setting can help the company to avoid problems and move forward. Those who demonstrate these skills should be recognized company-wide as an example. Accolades and rewards can incentivize other employees while reinforcing the representative effective behavior.


Staff members who receive awards are likely to continue performing well to maintain status or gain more rewards. They will be more inclined to suggest alternative approaches and new ideas without fear of ridicule or failure. A company newsletter article or an announcement at a staff meeting about someone who excels engenders appreciation and inspires others.


HR Resources and Management Support

HR and the management team can facilitate employee participation by providing adequate support. Depending on the nature of the business, this may involve technical HR software or HR resources. Tools like an electronic signature often expedite forms requiring authorization or approval on short notice. Database access to relevant, non-confidential data can streamline an information processing task. Providing clerical support for managing online files, entering data for company records, and filing documents is also a strategic tactic.


A competent manager will find out what an employee needs to do a good job and provide it. An insightful employee may also be able to suggest a better way of doing things within his or her job role. An employee who is well equipped can work more efficiently.


Evaluation and Assessment

All employees should be assessed when hired to ensure their skills meet job expectations. However, if the job description changes or an employee’s skills expand, adjustments should be made by reassigning employees to other positions. Holding someone back from a job that utilizes his or her experience and knowledge can hinder company growth and lead to employee dissatisfaction. Most companies evaluate their employees at least once a year, which includes observation and often an interview.


Job assessments may be conducted every two or three years using an industry rubric or in-house form. This information should be objectively collected and evaluated by management for the employee’s file. If indicated, a worker can be reassigned to a new position or have new duties delegated to his or her job for more effective skill utilization.


Professional Development

Managers who recognize leadership capabilities in an employee might decide to organize professional development training opportunities. This can save the company money by promoting within the organization if an employee receives appropriate training for a higher-level position. Otherwise, launching an external search can be time-consuming and costly, and may require orientation and perhaps training the new hire.


Empowering an employee to develop professionally can cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the company. He or she is more likely to stay with the business rather than look for another job, which would cost the company to hire a replacement. Training could include an internal apprenticeship, company-based or college-based education, or in-house workshops. Helping employees to develop their potential often yields bonuses for the company in terms of job satisfaction, low absenteeism, and company loyalty.


Employees in a company are like bricks in a building. They may seem fairly similar and non-essential individually, but they each play a vital role solely and together. If one crumbles, the entire edifice becomes unstable. Valuing, training, and recognizing each employee’s potential will likely result in a win-win situation for all.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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