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5 Benefits of Eating Organic Produce

If you’re like many consumers, you want to eat healthily and lead a lifestyle that helps to sustain the planet. You probably care about where and how your food is sourced. These things matter. One way to contribute to your family’s health and the greater good is to incorporate organic eating into your lifestyle. Read on to discover the five benefits of eating organic produce and for information on how to begin your journey.

1. Fewer Pesticides

One of the best reasons to consider eating organic produce is to lower the number of pesticides you’re ingesting from your food. To qualify as organic, the use of pesticides like fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, and weedkillers are heavily monitored. When organic farmers do use pesticides, they are typically made with natural ingredients. There are regulating boards that determine the kinds of pesticides that are allowed to be used in organic farming, and there are review panels to ensure compliance. If you want to be extra sure of what you’re getting, it’s possible to grow your food at home, even if you don’t have much land. A living kitchen gardening system allows you to easily grow things like lettuce, herbs, and microgreens at home.

2. Better Soil Health

Because organic farmers don’t use chemical pesticides, their farming methods are better for the soil and the environment overall. When the soil is healthy, it produces food that is healthy and doesn’t leech negative toxins into the environment. Organic farmers use things like compostable matter and manure to fertilize their crops. These are safer and healthier for growing consumable goods. In addition, healthy soil creates crops that are more resistant to disease, insects, and drought.

3. Environmental Health

Organic farming helps to fight climate change because it works to keep carbon dioxide levels down. This process is known as carbon sequestration. The focus on soil health and quality is what pulls carbon from the atmosphere. It works similarly to how trees counteract carbon production. The more popular and widespread organic farming becomes, the better it will be for the environment.

4. Higher Nutrient Content

A science-backed reason to choose organic foodY is that it is generally more nutritious. You’ll get more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients in organic produce than you would find in traditionally harvested varieties. You can expect more vitamin C, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and other healthy nutrients in organically-produced foods. That’s because organic farming methods have a direct influence on the nutritional values derived from the foods they produce.

5. Improved Health

Finally, organic produce is simply better for your health. No artificial ingredients such as preservatives are allowed to be added to organic foods. Any synthetic substances used in the production of organically labeled items must be approved by independent and governmental experts and deemed as safe. You won’t encounter any of the problematic chemicals or additives that have been linked to various health issues. In addition, you’re less likely to encounter an allergic reaction to organic foods than you would conventionally produce ones. This knowledge can give you peace of mind that your food is good for you and won’t cause unwanted reactions or future medical problems.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of why eating organic produce provides more health benefits than traditionally-grown products. Knowing where your food comes from, how it’s grown and the benefits it offers not only gives you peace of mind, it makes you a smart consumer. You can feel quite good about the choices you’re making for yourself, your family, and the environment at large.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.