5 effective home remedies for sensitive teeth

Having a sensitive teeth can be really troublesome for you. Though it doesn’t pain all the time but it can cause troubles every time you consume something hot or cold. Sensitive teeth can be a sign of greater tooth problems and you must take the symptom seriously and get the teeth checked.

It can be caused due to the following dental issues:

Erosion due to highly acidic food

Tooth decay

Leaky fillings

After effect of dental treatments like crowns and bleaching

Or even a result of harsh brushing.

Here are some ways in which you can be relived of the tooth pain right at home.

Coconut oil pulling

It is an age old remedy and has proved beneficial for the teeth in a lot of ways. It is a natural substance and can improve both the tooth and the gum health. You have to take some coconut oil in the mouth, swish it around for sometime and then spit it. Brush your teeth normally after that. It would relive you of the pain and also make your teeth whiter.

Salt water rinse

Though salt can be bad for your dental health, salt water can help relive the tooth sensitivity very fast. It improves the pH balance of the mouth and helps fight the harmful bacteria in the mouth that are wait9ing to attack. It cleanses the mouth and makes it more healthy. Do it twice a day and it will help remove the plaque build up and also relive the pain of the sensitive gums.

Essential oils

Try peppermint, clove or cinnamon essential oil to get relief from the sensitive tooth. They not only improve the condition of the gums but also makes the teeth stronger and whiter. They are anti septic in nature and can kill the anaerobic bacteria and prevent your mouth from many serious dental issues. It even helps cure bad breath. You can add a drop of the essential oil on the tooth paste as you brush and you are good to fight those bacteria.


Most people like to stay away from garlic as they believe it is going to leave behind bad breath. But there are a number of compounds that are beneficial to overall health, including the dental health. In fact, it help you fight the harmful germs and makes your mouth bacteria free. It also relives the tooth of the tooth sensitivity. Add few drops of crushed garlic with water and sea salt and apply it directly on the teeth for few minutes before you rinse it.


Onion just like the garlic is mostly avoided by people for the fear of the smell that it would leave behind. The antiseptic properties of onion can do wonders on the affected teeth and is also very good for the gums. It even kills the bacteria causing the sensitive teeth relieving you of the pain.

These are some very simple steps that can help you get through the pain of sensitive tooth and gums. But again, it can be a symptom for greater problems and you must visit a dentist.

Get an appointment at dentist middle village, top dentist forest ave queens and get the best treatment.

Derek Alam

Derek Alam is an SEO and a content writer as well. He has rich experience in content writing and writes quality content.

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