5 Effects That A Bad Diet Has On The Body

The everyday chaos of life can often make it difficult for us to recognise subtle changes which can manifest in our bodies. Our body will naturally send warning signs as an attempt to tell us that something isn’t right which more often than not we will dismiss without thinking twice about the problem.

Science has shown that a large majority of our health problems can come from having poor dietary habits which can lead to many different nutritional deficiencies. These health issues and body changes do not happen overnight and instead, they build up over time, which makes it harder for us to notice them. If you are ever unsure as to where you are with your diet, then a good way to tell this is to look if your body has presented any types of diet warning signs.

Premature Ageing

Ageing is inevitable, but there is a huge amount of research being carried out which indicates that a nutritious diet is far more capable of promoting skin health and delaying further skin ageing. Studies have shown that diets which are rich in vitamins A, C, D and E can have beneficial effects on the appearance of skin-ageing. In order to obtain a youthful appearance, you should ideally eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables which are naturally good at providing your body with skin-protecting nutrients.

Digestive Issues

Digestive issues can be a warning sign that you are having a low intake of fibre and particularly soluble fibre. Constipation and diarrhoea are often surface issues of deeper-rooted issues, such as poor fibre intake. Soluble fibre can help to delay the gastric emptying of the stomach which then increases the feelings of satiety and slows down the absorption of nutrients within the small intestine. If you do suffer from digestive discomfort, then try slowly increasing your fibre intake by consuming more grains, oats, nuts and seeds.

Weight Gain/Loss

Often, unintentional weight gain and loss can be a warning sign of poor dietary intake. Unintentional weight loss can be attributed to malnutrition and not eating enough of the recommended vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need. Weight gain can indicate that your diet is heavily reliant on empty calories, which lead to weight gain. Junk food and food which is low in any nutritional benefit will lead to accelerated weight gain, but you can increase your consumption of nutrient-packed food which contains fibre and protein.

Weight gain can lead to a whole host of health problems, so if you or your doctor have identified that you are overweight, then it is important to do something about it. Eating well and exercise are recommended for long-term health benefits, but there are short term fixes as well, such as visiting fat freezing Manchester based clinics for a surgery-free, fat reducing procedure.

Decreased Brain Function

A common warning sign of a poor diet is represented in our concentration and memory problems. Our brains rely on good nutrition, particularly from omega 3 fatty acids and supplements in order to function properly. A recent study found that omega 3 is vital in the cognitive development across all life stages, so try to include more DHA within your diet by choosing foods which are naturally high in omega 3, such as salmon, walnuts and fish oil.

If your diet includes a lot of junk or processed foods, then you may find that you are more irritable and tired, especially in the afternoon. This is due to your blood sugar levels constantly fluctuating throughout the day, which then has an impact on your brain function. Try to avoid sugary and processed snacks between meals and, if you do get hungry, try having a glass of water and a piece of fruit instead.

Poor Immunity

If you often feel under the weather, then this may also be down to your nutritional choices. Poor diets can compromise our immune systems and trigger infections and illnesses. Your body will always benefit from nutritional and nutrient-rich foods, so try incorporating more of these into your daily diet. You should also be having vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C and E and iron, zinc and folic acid, which all play huge roles in promoting immunity. Fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains, such as leafy greens, bananas and brown rice will all work to boost your body’s immunity system.


Zack Halliwell

Zack Halliwell is a freelance writer in the business and marketing niche, giving advice on anything from the perfect branding to the latest tech releases.

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