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5 Essential And Simple Beauty Tips For Teenage Girls

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Ah, you’re finally thirteen and you get your first pimple and you’re in utter despair because movies and chick flicks have led  you to believe that being a teen is going to be all about the glitz and glamour, the parties, the ‘decision making’, high school and prom,  but in reality, it’s nothing more than hormonal changes, break outs, acne, pimples, oily skin, hair fall and split-ends.

Girls, more often than guys, care about their physical beauty A LOT, not to impress anyone (not everyone at least), but to genuinely get that natural glow, maintain their personal hygiene and to look their best at all times. Young girls struggle to find the perfect skincare and haircare routines, and even when they do find one after hours of intense research on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, the routines are too time consuming, expensive and a hassle in general.

Young girls genuinely have fabulous skin and hair due to their young ages, the only thing required is care and attention, so that your natural self isn’t destroyed. So girls, look no more because here are five of the most basic tips that you could use and add to your lifestyles for that permanent wow factor:

  1. DIET

One of our generation’s major problems is that we don’t focus on our diets, we rely so much on packaged food and fast food items. These lead young ladies towards obesity, which leads to hormonal imbalances, causing irregular menstrual cycles which ultimately leads teenage girls to acne breakouts, multiple pimples on their foreheads and pale and dull looking skin.

Hence, to combat this, young girls should be adding milk, eggs, cheese and chicken to their diets.  Leafy greens must be incorporated as well, such as lettuce, spinach and broccoli, as well as many vegetables like carrots and cauliflowers. The best would be to add beetroot, as it helps make blood, giving you the natural blush effect, and cucumbers, because it keeps your skin hydrated and looking fresh. A better diet not only helps your skin, but your hair and body as well.


Skincare is very important at a young age. After waking up, everyone should be washing their face with a light face-wash, as it helps wash away excessive oil and bacteria that was formed overnight. And before sleeping, washing your face is mandatory to remove all the dirt that has accumulated on your face over the day.

For young ladies, I would recommend face-washes that consist of aloe vera, lemon and cucumbers. Other than that, there are several great brands like Clean & Clear, L’oreal, Himalaya, Pond’s and Garnier, that make face-washes according to your skin’s need. Pick out a face wash that suits your skin type, and cleanse AT LEAST two times a day!


Haircare is mainly concerned with a health and well balanced diet. You must shower every other day, and use a shampoo that suits your hair. And condition it at least twice a week, to nurture your hair. Supplements such as Vitamin B are helpful for better hair growth. Try and give your hair a hot oil massage, the oil is good for your hair, and the massage helps circulate blood, boosting hair growth.

Always take care of a dry scalp, avoid having dandruff or head lice. Purchase shampoos that target them to get rid of them as soon as possible.


Instead of experimenting and getting your skin and hair used to highly chemicalized products, try DIY remedies at home, by using organic and natural ingredients. Here are some:

– Egg + Yogurt hair mask – it nurtures your hair and is a natural version of a protein treatment. So much more cheaper and easier! Use it every week for faster results.

– Sugar + Honey lip scrub – perfect to remove the dead, scaly skin from your chapped lips.

– Lemon juice + Sugar – can be applied anywhere and is used to remove tans, perfect for the summers!

– Milk + Orange Zest – a deadly duo that helps treat blackheads, blemishes and acne.

– Baking Soda + Charcoal Powder – a natural teeth whitening method. Apply toothpaste on your toothbrush and dip it in the powder and brush your teeth. Use twice a week for best results.



The wonders that 8 glasses of water can do for a girl is countless! Stay hydrated is the best and easiest thing a girl can do for herself. It has the ability to flush your system of toxins. The more water you drink, the more toxins that are flushed out of your body. This helps balance the natural oils sitting on your face and is less likely to affect your skin and cause a breakout. Water is considered the best way to get clear skin!

It helps in losing weight and hence, keeping your hormones balanced. As far as hair is concerned, a lack of water causes breakage of hair, proving how the key to shiny, voluminous hair is water.

The best way to develop a habit of drinking water is to carry a water bottle everywhere you go and to note down how many bottles you’re drinking in a day. You can also substitute your water in the form of green tea or by ‘eating’ your water in the form of cucumbers, green lettuce, watermelons or tomatoes!

I hope these easy to follow tips help the young ladies out there and you all truly incorporate these into your lifestyles! Good luck with the natural glow, ladies. You’ve got this!

Ronald Mccarthy

Ronald Mccarthy is a lifestyle and fashion enthusiast and uses his interests to share valuable insights through passionate writing in the domain.