5 Essential Elements Of Modern Business Web Pages

Since the time of its conception, web design has gone through several significant changes and the trends keep evolving every few months. While intricate designs and eye-catching graphics were all the rage a few years ago, customers expect something more elegant and contemporary from the modern business web pages. They want the pages to be attractive yet simple, so that they may be able to access the information that they need without much hassle. Striking the right balance between creativity and usability is the key, and here are a few features that modern web pages must include to get a positive response from the users.

Unique Typography

The typography of a business page must be legible and should represent the theme of the web page. The fonts need to be beautiful yet professional, so that the website may look sophisticated. The text creates the foundation of any web page and a fancy and unreadable font will make the visitors doubt the efficiency of your business. Make a judicious use of white spaces so that the text is easy to read and fits neatly into the web page. There are various corporate fonts available online, choose a typeface that is unique yet simplistic.

Minimalistic Design

The website users these days are becoming increasingly impatient. If they do not find the information that they are looking for within a few seconds, they might simply click away. A minimalistic design helps to remove the clutter from the web page so that the most relevant information is clearly visible. The users prefer graphics and animations that help them navigate the page, instead of huge chunks of text. Use a few design elements to offer a flow to the web page but stay away from excessive designs that deviate from a professional theme.

Large and Responsive Hero Images

High-resolution images provide a visual appeal to any web page and most top ranking websites include large images on all their pages. You can even add images as a background, with text overlaid on the top, or can add some content on the lower or upper parts of the image. The modern website users access the internet from a wide variety of devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Responsive images that adapt to the screen size and resolution of the device ensure a consistent customer experience across different gadgets. Not that it will make your page looks attractive, but it will also positively impact your SEO optimization, which is of high importance for any business oriented web page.

Call To Action

Every page of a website serves a different purpose and is usually associated with a particular action, be it encouraging the users to browse further or to make a purchase. Make these calls to action stand out from the rest of the page with the help of color, contrast, or font size. These calls to action may include subscribing to a newsletter or submission of a query, you can add buttons or forms for these purposes, as appropriate. If these calls to action will be easier to spot, more visitors will end up responding to them.

Informational Footer

A footer comes in very handy to provide additional and miscellaneous information about the website, without disrupting the flow of the rest of the page. Utilize the footer to add details such as a site map, contact info (important), the link to your careers page, social media channels etc. This will help the users find some basic data about your business, no matter which page they are on, and will also make the navigation to the right page easier. Make sure that the footer looks neat and does not appear crowded; add only the most useful resources to this area of the web page.

These basic tips can overhaul the look of any business web page, making it more modern and user-friendly. While upgrading or designing a web page for your business, remember to keep it informative, minimalistic, and readable.

Nicholas Svensk

Enthusiast for hiking, off road cycling and exploring nature in general. Also a passionate cultural traveler, interested in learning more about world history and culture.

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