5 Fun Ways to Record Your Newborns First Moments

Finding a way to record your newborn’s first moments can seem challenging. There’s a lot to consider right now, but the following guide should make things a little easier for you.

1. Captured Birth

One way to record this beautiful moment is to use a videographer. This person has done this numerous times and knows what to shoot. A good videographer will know what moments to capture and what to omit.

These individuals can create a beautiful story you’ll want to revisit many times. The clips will be cut into one moment that you can watch with your child when he or she grows up. There is only one chance of capturing this moment, so make sure you leave it to professionals.

2. Thoughts at Birth

Your newborn’s first moments are just as important as your first thoughts.

There are a lot of ways these thoughts could be recorded. This could be done through voice, video, or you can write about them. You should choose whatever method feels right to you. These moments could be added to your baby’s birth journal that you’ve probably already started.

3. Still Beauty

Capturing moments on video is great, but you also have to consider taking loads of pictures. Photographs can capture something special that you won’t get from a video.

On top of that, people can’t look at videos all day. Pictures are more accessible and can be put anywhere, so you know everyone’s going to want them. You can include pictures on any cards you send out regarding the birth of your child. To do this, you will have to find someone who can provide you with good newborn photography in your area. For instance, if you live in Texas you might search for someone that does newborn photography in Austin. Read third-party reviews, and make sure the person has been capturing moments like these for some time. Ask for a portfolio so that you can get a feel for their work.

4. Memories Shared

Yes, some of the aforementioned things will indeed create lasting memories, but you should also invite others to the event. It’s possible to livestream or video chat with family members so that they can join in and experience this moment. You get to share everything, such as your thoughts and the beauty of giving life with everyone.

The folks you invite are going to be able to share that moment with you in real-time. This is a powerful thing, and it means they’ll remember it just as much as you. Loved ones will be able to tell your child personal stories of the birth because of this.

5. Birthing Story

A lot could be captured but not your heart. Those first few moments of your baby’s life struck a chord in your heart, and it’s important you share that, too. Use your memories, videos, pictures, and testimonies to create a birthing story. Here is where you’ll get to describe those first few moments of the birth.

You can talk about the experience in a way that makes sense to you. All of this should be written as soon as you can while your emotions are still fresh. Being able to share a birthing journey and a story with your child when he or she grows up is going to be priceless. This one will take some time to accomplish, but give yourself some time and be patient.

These are some things you can do to record this moment, but there’s more you can do. Some folks pay artists to sketch the baby right after birth or other things like that. That will definitely be a memorable treasure to share with your child.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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