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5 Important Things You Need To Know About Immigration Laws In The United States

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Unlike other countries in the world, Immigration Laws in the United States of America is not an easy subject to understand. There are numerous laws, regulations, and statutes, which you need to be familiar with.

America has often been referred to as the ‘Melting Pot of the World’ given the rich cultural integration of people from diverse backgrounds. However, with recent threats to security and protection of national interest, immigration norms have been tightened and new laws introduced.

In this article, we speak to the Path Law Group, a leading immigration law firm. We ask them about five things people should know about immigration laws in the country.

What are the 5 Principles of Immigration Law in the United States?>

According to data, there are more than 41 million people born in other countries who are living in the United States. In terms of total percentages, this accounts for nearly 13% of America’s total population.

Demographic experts point out that the majority of people born in foreign countries who are now American citizens are from the Asian and Latin American continents. A small percentage of Europeans and Africans also make up a diverse demographic.

According to Immigration experts, the laws in America are stationed around 5 principles-

  1. An attempt to reunify families who have been separated because of unnatural reasons in international affairs.
  2. Allowing skilled personnel from foreign lands who are believed to add value to the US economy.
  3. The intention is to allow immigration to citizens who are facing persecution and are political refugees or seeking asylum.
  4. The law also takes into consideration the principle of diversity and seeks to promote immigration based on that.
  5. There are many nationals in different countries who are encouraged to become American citizens if they have helped promote American interests in one way or another.

List of 5 Important Things to Know about Immigration Laws in America>

1. Number of Immigrant Visas-

According to the Immigration Nationality Act (INA), the American state is entitled to hand out 675,000 Immigrant Visas every year. The number of a threshold, which can be changed according to what the President decides upon in consultation with the Congress. The President plays a crucial role in deciding the number of refugees to be permitted in America.

2. Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs)

After obtaining an immigrant visa, a person is automatically classified as an LPR. They can work and reside in the country and do any kind of job. After three years, an LPR holder can apply for permanent citizenship in the country. Immigration experts point out that without being an LPR holder, it is practically impossible to become a naturalized US citizen.

3. Non-Immigrant Visas- >

Thousands of people apply every year under the Non-Immigrant Visa category to the United States. These kinds of visas are given to tourists, students, and working professionals who can stay in the country for a stipulated period. After the expiry of the said period, these non-immigrant visas can be reapplied for in order to extend the duration of the stay.

4. Permanent Residency and Citizenship

In the last few years, the process of becoming a natural US citizen has become stringent and difficult. There are a lot of restrictions, regulations, and paperwork involved, which is required by the State Department. Even if individuals fulfill all the criteria, experts suggest that they should always take help from qualified immigration lawyers and attorneys to help them.

5. There are Numerous Government Agencies dealing with Immigration- >

The Department of Justice, Homeland Security, Labour Department, and the State Department all work in regulating and looking after immigration according to different principles. The Labour Department looks at professionals and workers and their Visa issues. State Department looks after refugee migrations and so on.

The Final Word

One small mistake in your paperwork can result in deportation or imprisonment, depending on how the authorities view the action. Hence, it is important to pay careful attention to matters of immigration. Working with an experienced professional ensures that you stand the best chance of making your dream of being a US citizen a resounding success.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of KlmnWeb.