5 Important Tips for Making Your New Car Last for Years

A car is a huge investment. As such, you should want to get the most out of the money put into that vehicle as you can. Overall, you need to take better care of your vehicle. If you do so, you may be able to get many more years of use out of it than you would otherwise. Here are five tips that can help to do just that.

Check Your Tire Pressure

One thing that can lessen the life of your car is driving with the incorrect tire pressure. While some gas stations will check your tire pressure for free, this is really something you should do on your own. Get a tire gauge and read the instructions so you know how to use it. Set a date every month to check your tire pressure and maintain your tires as necessary.

Change Filters on Time

Something else that can lessen your car’s practical lifespan is dirty filters. When oil and fuel filters are clogged, your engine has to work a lot harder to operate. This extra work can deplete your engine’s lifespan. Check the owner’s manual and follow the maintenance schedule for how often you should change your filters. Set a reminder, just like you have for checking tire pressure.

Don’t Ignore Damage from Accidents

Some drivers don’t like the hassle of dealing with insurance and simply never report one car accidents. Doing so is a mistake. The damage done could actually be much more extensive than what you first assume and could come back to haunt you. It could also cause your car’s value to plummet. Always get such damaged fixed even for things like paint-less dent repair. Try and set aside money for car emergencies.

Keep Your Car Out of the Elements as Much as Possible

Keep your car parked in a garage out of the sun and the elements. Doing so will certainly increase the lifespan of your car since it won’t be as affected by rust and other threats. If you don’t have a garage to park it in, at least get a cover to put over it. It will be worth the extra effort. Parking under a tree or underground can help when you are out and about.

Change Your Fluids on Time

Transmission fluids and lubricants must be changed on time according to the maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual. Doing so will help to extend the life of your engine a good deal. Also, of course, keep track of when you need another oil change.

Overall, you need to be a responsible car owner. Doing things like performing maintenance on time, checking tire pressure, checking fluid levels and taking your car into the shop when needed will help to significantly extend your car’s lifespan. Doing so requires some work and extra attention, as well as saving money for the expenses. However, it will certainly be worth it to be able to save your investment and enjoy your car for many more years. It will likely save you money and time in the long run.

Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys writing, watching sports, the outdoors, and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball.

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