5 Known Conditions That Affect Your Cornea

The condition of the cornea is very important in the overall health of the human eye. It covers the eye’s iris and pupil and is also responsible for regulating the amount of light that goes through. Research shows that cornea damages are among the leading causes of blindness for people in the less developed regions. Suburban Eye Associates are Huntingdon Valley cornea specialists who diagnose and treat eye problems to prevent permanent damage. Book an appointment online.

Below are the conditions that are known to impact the cornea their treatments:

  1. Dry eye

This is an extremely painful condition that affects most people. It results when the eye fails to produce the necessary amount and quality of tears. Therefore, the eye cannot effectively wash away dirt or cope with irritation, and damage begins. Causes of ocular surface disease include tobacco use, exposure to harmful chemicals, specific medications, allergies, and use of contact lenses. People above the age of 65 also have a high chance of developing this condition. One should seek medical attention after experiencing itching, hazy vision, burning sensation, or red eyes. In most cases, the doctor will prescribe eye drops or, in severe cases, surgery.

  1. Allergies

Almost everyone gets affected by smoke, perfume, dust, mold, or pollen at some point in life. After getting triggered, the victims begin to experience watery discharge, unusual sensitivity to light, hazy vision, itching, or foreign body sensation. In most cases, avoiding these irritants will help alleviate the discomfort, while the specialist might administer systemic antihistamines in others.

  1. Infections

Among the parts of the eye, the cornea does not have blood vessels to help promote transparency. Therefore, when the eye gets attacked by infections, the cornea is the most vulnerable part. Commonly known infections include corneal ulcers and pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. Symptoms are similar to those in allergy conditions, but the treatment varies depending on the infection. Patients must seek medical attention as soon as symptoms begin to avoid severe eye damage or risking vision loss. Doctors also recommend that we wash our hands before making contact with the eyes. Good hygiene will reduce the chances of eye infections significantly.

  1. Host disease

This condition develops when the body rejects donated bone marrow or when a stem cell transplant is unsuccessful. After a rejection, there is significant damage incurred by the nervous system internal body organs that could, in turn, cause severe issues for the eye. The victims develop a dry eye or corneal inflammation affecting their sight clarity or when left untreated, could cause permanent blindness. Doctors use systemic treatment to resolve the issue, while in other cases, they will recommend eye drops or natural fish oil to facilitate tear production.

  1. Herpes zoster

The condition develops after a person contracts chickenpox or varicella-zoster virus.  As a result, it causes blistering rashes known as shingles. The elderly and those with weak immune systems have high chances of developing this condition. Symptoms include painful rashes, light sensitivity, and foggy vision. Antiviral treatments work for this kind of infection.

The cornea is most likely to be at risk since it is the outermost layer and the one that is most exposed. Injuries could cause vision problems that, if left untreated, results in vision loss. Suburban Eye Associates offer all forms of cornea care to restore eyesight and prevent further damage. Book an appointment today.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.

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