5 Moving Tips To Help You Reduce The Stress Of Your England To Spain Relocation

A survey released in the media showed that 7 out of 10 people think selling a house is stressful, and the same amount felt that way about buying a house. Sorting out care for elderly relatives, having a baby, getting married and starting a new career were all thought to be less stressful than buying or selling property by those in the survey.

Adding to that the fact you’re moving country is bound to add even more stress to your move, so it makes sense to do everything you can to try and minimise the challenges. Sure enough you will soon be in the warm surroundings of Spain, within easy reach of the beach and a welcoming community. But right now, you’ve still got to get there and sort out the logistics of it all. To help you with the process, and minimising the stress, here are 5 handy moving tips for moving to Spain:

1.  Keep The Kids Happy

This is a big move for kids, who are adaptable but still may find the process of such a big move challenging. Keep helping them learn the language, keep them informed and keep reminding them of the exciting aspects of the move they have to look forward to. Happy kids mean a less-stressful move for everyone.

2.  Consider Sedation For The Pets

If you are taking your pets to Spain, the first thing you need to do is ensure that you have them vaccinated and certificated in line with laws. Any problems with that could result in stressful consequences and delays for your pet. In addition, consider sedation for them to help them feel relaxed throughout the move. Your vet can help you with advice about this.

3.  Triple Check The Actual Moving Process, Touching Base With Everyone Involved

Getting from A to B has never been so complex has it? The transport, the moving of your belongings, pets, the children, the accommodation – it can seem endless. However, ensuring absolutely everything is in place for the moving day and that you have a backup plan should any last minute changes occur will definitely keep stress to a minimum.

4.  Stay Realistic

It is really important to be optimistic and positive for your move. However, it is also important to be realistic about the process. You won’t come through it without feeling some level of stress. Something will go wrong. You may have arguments with your partner or kids. The pets might be noisy or go to the loo where they shouldn’t. Expect the unexpected and stay realistic, that way you’re prepared, and if nothing goes wrong, that is a bonus.

5.  Don’t Be Hard On Yourself

Sometimes we can be so unkind to ourselves if we do get stressed or if things do go wrong. Remember that moving house is stressful for most people and you are only human. Try not to be hard on yourself throughout the process, and lean on those you love you as much as you can. Get help from packing and moving services, they exist to make your life easier!

The above 5 tips, plus a really good overall plan, will help you move to Spain with as minimal stress as possible. Once you have accepted there will be challenging and stressful moments, you’re free to problem-solve those and to embrace the moments that are good. Soon enough you’ll be unpacking boxes in your new place making plans to go to the beach, and the stress of the move will be nothing but a distant memory.









Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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