5 Natural Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings

While we like to think of sweets, treats, and candy as a lighthearted, fun part of life, there’s something darker lurking below the surface. Beyond simply craving sugar, sugar addiction is a real thing. Sugar is a legal, socially accepted addictive substance that can have catastrophic effects on our health if we’re not careful.

Doctors report that sugar affects pathways in the brain, actually leading to use craving these substances throughout the day and experiencing feelings of withdrawal when we can’t get our “fix.” While you might not be at full-blown sugar addiction yet, it’s still good to know how to naturally stop sugar cravings once and for all so you can focus on your health. Here are 5 natural ways to kick sugar to the curb.

1. Choose Natural Sugar

The first way to naturally fight your cravings for sweetness is to reach for a natural alternative. While it’s tempting to go for chocolate or other junk food when you start feeling those dreaded cravings, you can choose something that’s naturally sweet instead to fill that same urge.

A great option is fruit. Fruit is naturally very sweet, but it’s also full of other plant compounds and fiber so you can get your sugar fix without any of the harmful side effects. The best options for fruits high in sugar are mangoes and grapes.

2. Distance Yourself

Another great way to help yourself avoid cravings is to find some distance. If you know you’re triggered by being around sweet treats, keep these out of your house and away from your daily routine. If you experience a craving, try to get up and moving.

That change of scenery can usually take your mind off sugar, plus it helps burn some calories. Finding some much-needed distance from sugar is a great first step.

3. Snack Often

One of the reasons it’s so easy to crave sugar is because you’re hungry. While you likely eat regular meals, what about those in-between times? These are when you’re most prone to reaching for that snack bar or other treat.

Fill these in-between meal times with healthy snacks. Eating every 3-5 hours is proven to help stabilize your blood sugar so you don’t feel those urges to snack on sugar.

Person Holding Doughnut With Sprinkles

Image via Pexels

4. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

When trying to stay away from sugar, a lot of people flock to artificial sweeteners. These sound like an effective way to avoid sugar, but they’re actually much more harmful to your health. It’s always better to choose a natural sugar or sweeteners like agave over anything artificial that has unwanted additives.

5. Eat Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a great alternative when you’re craving something sweet. We all want some yummy chocolate from time to time, but dark chocolate is a much better alternative. Dark chocolate is any chocolate with over 70% cocoa, and it also has healthy plant compoints.

There are a number of health benefits of dark chocolate like their anti-inflammatory effects, so this is a much better choice. However, don’t go overboard. Dark chocolate still contains Sugar-Free Diet and fat, but it’s a much healthier option.

Improve Your Health

Leaving sugar behind one step at a time can help lead to a healthier future. It’s hard to overcome these cravings cold-turkey, so these tips above can help you reach your goals faster. When making a health change, always think about your goals. What do you want to accomplish?

From there, make a plan. Don’t be too hard on yourself during this time. Sugar cravings are hard to overcome, so celebrate all of your wins no matter how big or small.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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