5 of the Best Health Supplements for Women

5 of the Best Health Supplements for Women

While many women are diligent in keeping up with their beauty routine, they often neglect the health of the inside of their bodies. The right combination of vitamins and supplements will help you to feel better while also protecting your health. Here are five supplements that all women should consider adding to their daily routine.

Comprehensive Multivitamin

The cornerstone of a solid supplement routine is a quality multivitamin. You cannot ignore taking a daily multivitamin if optimal health is your goal. Although a healthy diet is always the best way to get in your essential vitamins and minerals, a multivitamin will ensure that none of your needs fall through the cracks.
When looking for the best multivitamin for women, you need to remember that not all vitamins are created equal. Be sure to carefully read the labels to verify that you are getting adequate amounts of the right vitamins for your needs as a woman.


In general, a woman’s body weight is comprised of approximately 1% calcium, showing why this essential mineral is paramount to a host of bodily functions. The majority of the calcium in the body is found in the teeth and the bones. Because women are particularly susceptible to osteoporosis, ensuring adequate amounts of calcium intake will help to protect against bone loss and deterioration.
If you are under the age of 50, you will likely need a supplement with 500 milligrams of calcium. For those women over 50, a daily supplement of 800-1000 milligrams is ideal. For maximum absorption, considering splitting the dosage over two times per day. If you suffer from stomach issues, you may want to look into the benefits of calcium citrate.

Fish Oil

Many types of fish are especially high in essential omega-3 acids. However, since many women do not care for the type of fish that are high in this acid, it is not unusual for individuals to turn to fish oils instead.
Omega-3s provide a crucial function for optimal heart and blood vessel health. These special fats also help to reduce triglycerides in the body that may help to lower your risk of developing heart disease. In addition, Omega-3s are instrumental in reducing overall levels of inflammation in the body, boosting your mood, and supporting the function of healthy joints.
Depending on your specific health needs, you should take between one and three grams of fish oil daily. Pregnant women will want to take one gram of fish oil with DHA in order to support brain development in the baby.


As part of the family of B vitamins, folate is found in a variety of foods such as spinach, fortified cereals, and cantaloupe. Folate is used by the body to make DNA, promoting skin and hair health.
Folate is particularly important if you are of child-bearing age. It is this vitamin that is used by the body to prevent neural tube abnormalities in the growing fetus. Because this stage of fetal development often happens before the woman even knows that they are pregnant, is a good idea to boost folate intake prior to getting pregnant.
Pregnant women should take a supplement with 400-800 micrograms of folate. Those women who do not plan on getting pregnant should take in at least 400 micrograms daily.


Many people are not familiar with the benefits of lutein. This fat-soluble nutrient is in the family of carotenoids. Lutein is naturally found in leafy greens, eggs, corn, and some types of fruit.
This powerful antioxidant is concentrated in the eyes, protecting them from damage from free radicals and age-related macular degeneration. Lutein is also found in cervical and breast tissue, encouraging the good health of these functions. The lutein in the skin may also be helpful in protecting against sun damage as you age.
For the most ideal results, your supplement should contain six to 10 milligrams of lutein. Taking the lutein with food will help to increase the rate of absorption.
It is never too early or too late to begin thinking about your health. Taking these five supplements will give you an extra boost of insurance for your overall health routine, supporting all of your health goals as you grow older.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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