5 Reasons to Invest in Cyber Security

Cyber security is an interesting market. It has seen tremendous growth over the years, yet still carries with it some negative stigma. People sometimes wrongly assume that cyber security is a waste of money. Poor defense systems in the past have led to the idea that there is no such thing as cyber threat prevention, but only dealing with the issue once it has been detected. Even if this axiom had been true in the past, new developments have certainly made it possible to detect and fight against these threats before they cause irreparable damage. Here are five reasons to invest in the cyber security market.


1. Cyber security is a growing market


As cyber security continues to be adopted in some major industries such as financial and defense, the market continues to grow. Growth would be one of the main factors that could warrant an investment in any market. This implies the very possibility of monetary growth in the long run. Investments in dying or stale markets is an obvious thing to avoid. The alternative would be finding a promising and already growing market in which to invest. As of right now, cyber security seems to fit that script.


2. It has a steady future


Technology is all around us and has become an increasingly growing portion for most companies and industries. This speaks to our technological advancements as a society as well as our reliance on them to conduct daily tasks. With this rise in technology, there has also been a rise in cyber threats. While the existence of cyber threats isn’t a good thing, it is the reason that cyber security exists. As the law of supply and demand displays, cyber security will last as long as cyber threats exist. Therefore, it can be reasoned that the cyber security market has a somewhat steady future. Longevity and security are two important factors that people should look for before making investments in any field. It seems that cyber security has those locked down.


3. Technology is continually improving


In addition to having a relatively secure future, the cyber security market has also seen some very promising improvements technologically. In the past, there was a phrase that spread around the market. The axiom claimed that there are only two companies: those who have been hacked and those who don’t know it yet. This rather hopeless view of the field has some truth in light of the risk that cyber threats can pose. However, recent technological advancements such as learning algorithms and threat intelligence gateways have made the reality of preventing a cyber attack that much more possible. As these methods continue to improve, investment becomes a more sound prospect.


4. Cyber security is crucial to some of the most important fields of our society


On a more practical note, cyber security is relevant to some of the most important fields in our society. Industries such as healthcare, banking, government, aerospace, and defense have increasingly adopted cyber security technologies in order to help ward off and handle a cyber attack. These fields have become increasingly reliant on software and technologies as they have grown. It isn’t a bad idea to invest in a market that is used by and so closely related to some of the most important industries in our society. As cyber security becomes an essential element in these fields, it wouldn’t be surprising to see investment to increase.


5. It’s a relatively young market


Cyber security and cyber threat are still somewhat new concepts to many businesses. The implementation and technologies behind these ideas are even more confusing to most people. In reality, the cyber security market is fairly young. Compared to other, more aged markets, cyber security is unique in this way. Investing in a young market can have big advantages as well as big risks. When done correctly and intelligently, the risks can yield high rewards.


Technology is an ever-growing part of our society’s business landscape. Every industry has been utilizing the speed, efficiency and power of technology in order to gain an edge and simplify work overall. It seems we’re equal parts familiar and unfamiliar with these technologies as we use them everyday, yet are still perplexed by the complexities. For this reason, many companies and industries turn to cyber security providers for help. These professionals understand the specific technologies and application that can help prevent, detect and repair damage done by cyber threats and attacks. This market is relatively new and has been growing over the past few years. The technologies utilized have been improved and are being used by some of the most important industries within our societies. For these reasons, investing in the cyber security market should be considered by those who have entertained the idea previously without much certainty.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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