5 Reasons Why You Should Sell Your Home Without An Agent

The number of people selling their homes without agents has increased lately and this structural change can be attributed to the internet and its advancement. Gone are the days when you needed a real estate agent to sell your home. The middlemen aka real estate agents can demand a significant share from your profits.

So let’s say you are selling your home for about $300,000, you could easily save up to $15,000-20,000 on the commission that a real estate agent could make off you.

Here are 5 reasons why should ditch the agent and sell your house by yourself.

1. Get tech-savvy

If you are one of those people who are up to date with the changes in technology then finding the buyer for your house will be a piece of cake for you. These days selling your home on websites has made everyone’s life a whole lot easier. You don’t have to wait for potential buyers to come and see your place and then never call again. All you need to do is to set up a profile, post details and pictures of your house and in no time you will get people who are seriously interested in buying your residential property.

2. Learning experience

Selling your house comes with some hassle especially if it is your first time but once you get the hang of it, I can sell my mobile home again in the future but with a little more knack and salesmanship. You can even give golden nuggets of real estate wisdom to other people who want to sell their house.

3. You can be your own agent

You can easily be your own agent and sell your house because who knows your house more than you?  You will not only be saving money but also doing the same thing you would otherwise be paying somebody else for and that too for the same amount of work.

4. Trustworthiness

Everyone knows that real estate agents have a knack for selling houses and so they don’t want to be persuaded with the whole aggressive salesmanship that comes with the experience. If you are selling your house, people will have more trust in you knowing that you know all the ins and outs of the house. As long as you are not coming off as an aggressive seller, you would have no problem in getting the trust of a potential buyer. It is because people know that agents and salesman are just out to make the most lucrative deal and make commissions.

5. You get to sell the home who will value it

If making money is not your only interest and you want someone who will truly cherish the home you build or made memories in for so many years, selling your home to screened potential buyers would help you out.

Bonus tip:

You can easily filter out the window shoppers by putting up your house for sale on a website and only the people who are interested will come. You can easily filter out the window shoppers by putting up your house for sale on a website and only the people who are interested will come. You can easily filter out the window shoppers by putting up your house for sale on a website and only the people who are interested will come. You can easily filter out the window shoppers by putting up your house for sale on a website and only the people who are interested will come.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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