5 Signs You Need to Take Your Car Into an Auto Repair Shop

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You’re in your vehicle driving along the same road that you typically drive down when you notice something off about your car. Whether it is a new sound that your car is now making or just a different feeling to your car, it is important to know when to take your car into the auto repair shop. For most people, the biggest obstacle is that they lack the knowledge to diagnose the problem in the first place. In order to help you a little bit with this problem, let’s go over five common signs that indicate a need to visit the mechanic.

Loss Of Engine Power

When you hit the gas pedal, you are used to a certain result. Normally, the car goes forward in a smooth and steady manner. Also, you should not have to depress the gas pedal very far in order to move at a normal speed. If you find yourself needing to press the gas pedal harder than normal, or if your vehicle seems to be losing its ability to accelerate, it can mean that something is wrong with the engine.

Loss Of Braking Ability

Obviously, brakes are extremely important from a safety standpoint. As such, you should always be worried when your brakes start giving you trouble. For instance, you might only experience trouble stopping on wet roads. This, in itself, is not the most troubling car problem you can experience but you should never ignore these signs. It is normally an indicator of bad brakes or bad tires, and only an expert will be able to tell for sure.

Unusual Vibration Or Noise

This is a broad category that can cover a wide range of problems, but it’s a good thing to remember all the same. Once you have driven your car for a while, you will get used to its normal operating noise. If that noise should change, it certainly didn’t change for no reason. Vibration can be just as bad, and maybe worse.

For example, if you have a lot of vibration in your wheel, it is likely to be a problem with your axle, your wheel bearing, or one of their connected parts. If you are unsure about a vibration issue, test by driving slowly on a smooth patch of road to make sure that the vibration isn’t caused by uneven roads.

A Different Scent

If you notice a scent that is only detected when the car is running, this should also be a red flag. Remember that your car’s operation doesn’t change without some kind of reason. Radiator issues and other malfunctions of the vehicle’s cooling system will produce a smell that is reminiscent of burnt plastic and filthy metal. Radiator issues can lead to the destruction of your whole engine (via head gasket damage) if they are not promptly addressed.

Difficulty When Starting

This one is pretty obvious, so it doesn’t require much discussion. If your car seems to be getting more difficult to start, it could be the result of a failing starter, a bad spark plug, a bad spark plug wire, or even a malfunctioning safety sensor. Either way, you should get the problem fixed before your car becomes impossible to start. Research car repair in Boulder CO or your particular locale in order to find the right auto repair shop for you.


Of course, these are just five common indicators, so if anything sounds, feels, or looks different, be sure to contact a professional in your area. Still, we hope that this short article has at least given you a better idea about the subject. No matter what your issue, prompt attention is needed to keep the problem from getting worse. Auto problems tend to get progressively worse over time, so don’t think that any problem will go away once ignored.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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