5 Surefire Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain at Home

Nobody likes nagging pains or temporarily chasing them away. Oftentimes, people find ways to put a Band-Aid on the wound either with meds or expensive professional treatments. However, this doesn’t have to be the case.

In this article, you’ll discover some excellent methods for relieving pain in the comfort of your own home. Additionally, these methods will help you to boost your mobility and flexibility. Whether you want to soothe your tired muscles on autopilot or begin a daily routine, you’ll find some helpful tips here.

1. Yoga

This list wouldn’t be complete without yoga. Firstly, both men and women of all ages can hugely benefit from yoga. According to Harvard Health, yoga is helpful for myriad conditions that are a source of chronic pain, including fibromyalgia and the all-too-common chronic lower back pain.

The beauty of yoga is how easy it is to get started in the comfort of your own home. One of the best ways to start doing yoga is to not look at it as a chore or a big obstacle to climb. Instead, start small because even one yoga pose a day will help you to begin your yoga journey.

Plus, there are a ton of free resources online that’ll quickly teach you poses and sessions that range from beginner to expert level. Lastly, if you have trouble going at it alone, invite your family, significant other, or friends to join you.

2. Shiatsu Back Massager

One of the best ways to get a massage on autopilot without investing in an expensive massage chair is a back massager for use on any chair. Comparatively, a good shiatsu back massager costs significantly less than a full massage chair, and you have the ability to use it both at home and away from home as long as you have a place to plug it in.

Recently, this type of massager has evolved beyond outdated massagers with a simple vibration massage function. Nowadays, there are back pad massagers with shiatsu rollers, air compression, and heat for a more therapeutic massage experience. Use the helpful guides at Massager Magazine to land on the most suitable back massager for your home.

3. Posture Exercises

If you’re a sloucher, especially at your desk, there’s no need to search high and low for the root of your back pain. Also, bad posture can lead to pain in multiple areas of the body, including the back, neck, and shoulders.

A good way to improve your posture and strengthen your core muscles is with the help of posture-correcting exercises. Two of the best exercises to start with are Superman and planks. To do the Superman exercise, simply lie on your stomach and raise your arms and legs.

Once you lift your limbs, you’ll feel the muscles in your lower back contract. Then, once you get more comfortable holding the pose, it’s time to progress to raising and lowering your limbs. Essentially, this exercise is like doing an upside-down double crunch, but instead of working your abs, you’re working the muscles in your lower back.

In the end, your core muscles become more evenly toned and balanced to support your weight correctly.

4. Tennis Ball Therapy

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to do trigger point therapy and other massage therapy at home is with the help of a tennis ball. Do you often get muscle knots from work or after engaging in other physical activities?

Well, a tennis ball is a great tool for working on those painful knots. To use a tennis ball for self-massage therapy, you place the tennis ball between the area of the body you want to work and a hard surface such as a floor or wall.

By doing this, you allow yourself to reach and massage the parts of your body that are impossible to reach with your hands alone. For instance, you have the ability to massage your entire back by wedging a tennis ball between your body and the floor.

5. Turmeric Root

One natural pain remedy that’s often recommended for arthritis because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties is turmeric. If you’ve never seen fresh turmeric root, it has a similar appearance to ginger, yet it’s darker.

There are many ways to get more turmeric in your diet, and several of the most popular are curcumin supplements, golden milk, ghee, and curry dishes. No matter which route you choose, you’ll most likely find that turmeric makes most dishes tastier.


These are just a handful of low-cost and free methods for relieving chronic pain at home. By combining all or some of these ideas, you give yourself a better chance of relieving nagging pains and living a more comfortable life.

Plus, as an added bonus, getting into a consistent yoga routine will undoubtedly improve your physique at any age.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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