5 Things to Ensure when going Kayaking with Kids

Kayaking is among the most popular water-sports in the world, which means most people love doing it. Of course, who doesn’t want to have some me-time away from the world?

Being in the water, paddling, and enjoying the sunset is really a soothing experience. But not everyone does it for relaxation you know.

While some people love recreation others prefer whitewater one. So, while some want relaxation, others want an adrenaline rush, and either is wonderful.

When we talk about kayaking, we see the fun and enjoyment, but almost forget about the danger it has. Which danger are you talking about?

The water! It’s something that can make or break your journey. If things go well, you just made a memorable experience, but if they don’t, you will have the worst experience ever.

The risk is always there you know, but it even increases when you have a kid on-board. You can be the world’s best swimmer, but what about your boi?

So, there are a couple of things you must look up to before taking your kid for kayaking, and believe me, they are simple, but can be very helpful when needed.

So, without further ado, let’s talk about the 5 crucial things that will ensure a safe and lovely journey.

1. Safety Gear

Most notable things first. When in the water, you never know what can happen. An event like capsize is rare, but not impossible, it can happen to anyone, anytime, without any warning.

And you know what, it all happens in a few seconds. You won’t even get time to get hold of yourself, forget about your cute Lil baby.

So, before going in the water, have the proper safety gear. By that, I mean PFD(Personal Flotation Device). For the unknown, a PFD provides you enough buoyancy to keep you afloat.

Today, most of the PFDs offer 12 or 15 lbs buoyancy, which is more than enough even for an adult, let alone be a kid. Therefore, wearing your kid a PFD(or life jacket) is crucial.

Apart from safety, you need it to comply with the laws. According to the law, a kid must be wearing a life jacket when in Kayak.

If they don’t, be ready to get a ticket. I think it’s worth spending a couple of bucks getting a life jacket instead of paying hundreds of dollars for a ticket.

Now, getting a life jacket isn’t all, you have to make sure it’s of high quality, so it works when needed. It can be difficult getting a good life vest considering we have hundreds of them in the market.

So, picking the one that looks nice doesn’t work here, you need an expert to help you find the best toddler life jacket. Once you have it, make sure your boi doesn’t remove it.

Also, ensure that the straps or zipper is properly tied.

2.Sunscreen and Hat

Remember what the doctor said? Not to take your kid in direct sunlight, especially if they are toddlers. Keeping them in there for long can cause sunburn, or at worst, skin cancer(rare).

Since you may kayak for hours, it can be worrisome for parents, especially recent parents. But don’t worry, all you need is sunscreen and a Hat.

 Before taking your kid outdoors, apply a good sunscreen SPF 50+, and wear them a high-quality sun hat UPF 50+ for the best protection.

 SPF 50+ blocks 98% of harmful UVA and UVB rays entering the skin while UPF 50+ blocks it before the hat.

 Both combined provide the best sun protection possible.

 3.Type of Kayak

 This is a crucial thing most people seem to ignore. Since there are a lot of kayaks in the market, I don’t know which one you have, but what I do know is which one is good.

When you are taking young kids, having a tandem kayak seems a great option. Not only does it have two seats, but it’s way comfy which makes it perfect for kids.

Have your boi on front and paddle from behind to let them enjoy the view. If you want, you can upgrade to big tandem boats with two big and one small seat in between so mum can also join.

 4. Diapers

This is a no brainer if a toddler is on-board. You don’t want to ruin your experience with some stink, do you?

 So, have some diapers in the bag. They will be really helpful, believe me. For keeping the used ones, you can have a bag or some container.

5. Snacks

As I said earlier, you may kayak for hours(it’s fun), but did you really did that just to feel like kayaking? Nope, right!

You did that to enjoy time with your family, and it’s almost incomplete without snacks. And what’s better than having it in the middle of the water?

Maybe you are on a vacation, then having these snacks are really nice add-on to make it a memorable journey. But remember, don’t get in the water for 30 minutes after eating.

Taking light and yummy snacks work really well here. You get the energy without filling your stomach with too much.


I talked about several things you need when kayaking with a kid. I hope you liked it. The only thing I would like to say is Happy Kayaking.


Daisy Andrew

I am Daisy Andrew, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. I adore writing blog on many topics, like Home Improvement, Pet, Food, Automotive, Business, Health, Lifestyle etc.

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