5 Things you need to know before you Sell your Home

Selling your home can be a fast and painless task; but it involves a lot more than getting in touch with a realtor. The realtor will only facilitate the transaction; but there will be many responsibilities you will have to handle, as the seller. You will need to know everything there is to know before trying to sell your home. Here is a list of few such things:

There is no point in overpricing your home

Every seller would want the best price for his home. But if it is not reasonable no buyer will buy it. If your home is sitting on the market for too long, buyers will start assuming that there is something wrong with your home, crossing it off from their lists. Properly pricing your home is very important if you want to receive the right kind of offers from the right kind of buyers.

You need to be on page with your agent about the value of your house and the way it will be marketed

It is important for you and your agent to be in agreement on the price your home would be listed at. If the range suggested by him doesn’t match with your expectations, ask for an explanation. Also you need to know how he is planning to promote your home. See if any professional pictures would be taken. Check if he has plans of placing ads if any. Are there any plans of holding open houses or is he going to tie up with other agents to get buyers? Such clarifications will give you an idea how committed your agent is, to sell your home.

Your house needs to be clean and clutter-free, all the time

Once your home is listed, you will keep getting calls from agents who would want to show your home to prospective buyers. And more often than not it will always be on short notice. So it becomes your responsibility to keep your house looking spotless 24/7. Make rules and have your family members stick to them.  If anything needs to be fixed, fix it right away. Be ready to get up and leave whenever someone wishes to come over for the showing.

It could take a while to sell your home

As a seller, you would obviously be in a hurry to unload your home as soon as possible. However, you will have to hold your horses in. The offers need to come in and deals have to be negotiated before any of them is closed. The buyer will have to apply for a mortgage and get it approved.

Not all potential buyers at open houses may be interested in buying your home.

There is no guarantee that all the attendees of your open house would be interested in buying your home. There may be some nosy neighbors and passersby too who may be only interested in the snacks that you provide in your open houses. At the end of the day you may have a guest book that is filled without a gap. But not everyone on the list may be serious about buying your home.

If you are in a hurry to sell your home and make the down payment for the new house, there is still an option – ASAP cash home buyers. They are home buyers who will buy your house within the date that you specify and at the highest rate possible. You will get the cash instantly.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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