5 Things Your Small Business’s Website Is Telling New Clients

When you create your company’s website design and write the content on that website, you are deciding what message you want to put out into the world. Even small decisions can speak volumes, so what are you saying to new or potential clients? Here are five things your small business’s website should be telling new clients.

Contact Information

People who come to your website need to know how to get in contact with you. Things you must have clearly stated on the front page of your site include your phone number, address, email address, and social media handles. You’ll also want to include any in-person events your company might be hosting or attending so that potential clients can come meet with you and see you in action.

What You Do

People who visit your site should quickly be able to figure out what you do and what products or services you offer. Make it clear what you can do for your customers and why people need to do business with you. You should also include any sales or contests you’re holding that might entice people to convert to a client or customer.

Corporate Style and Personality

Every business has its own unique personality, just like every person. You want to use your website design and content to showcase this personality. You do this when you pick the colors, design, language, and even the font on your website. Do you want to exude professionalism or sex appeal or fraternity or strength? The smallest things can help evoke what you want people to feel when they think of your brand.

Part of your company’s personality will come from it’s story. You’ve put in a lot of work to get to your where you are, and it’s worth showing customers that. With a clear message, you can show customers who you are, how far you’ve come, and what your goal is. To help you build the message you want to give customers, you can research StoryBrand website examples.

Things That Make You Stand Out

What sets you apart from the competition? Do you have better pricing, better quality products, a feature no one else has, or charitable benefits? Right on the first page of your website, let people know why you are different from everyone else in the industry. This something special is what will make people go from researching to purchasing.

Past Reviews

People want to feel confident in the services they are about to purchase. One way to instill this confidence in your business is to include positive reviews on your website. If you are struggling to get reviews, you can offer incentives to current customers, like a small discount for anyone who leaves a review.

Your website says a lot about your business. Make sure you are telling the right story by being very thoughtful about your website design. You want it to be easy to navigate, easy to understand, attractive, and representative of your brand. You can hire a professional web developer to ensure that your website says what you want it to say.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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