5 Unusual Swimming Pool Myths Busted – Know The Facts

Pool myths are always an interesting and hot topic for people to discuss. And the gossip usually ends up giving different myths, right? In fact, swimming pools can have a bad rap, but often this is due to the fallacy you hear to be true.

But the fallacies you hear are not actually true!

Here are 5 swimming pool myths that need to be changed and acknowledged!

Myth 1 – Chlorine Reacts and Kills Everything in the Pool

Yes, it is true that chlorine kills certain bacteria present in the water but some of the waterborne diseases are not cured by just adding it. Chlorine does not effectively kill recreational water illness like Crypto. It is basically one of the most common water illness mostly found in the public pools.

Hence, if you believe that chlorine reacts to all the water illness, it’s not such!

Myth 2 – Pools are Way More Expensive to Afford

Do you seriously think that you cannot afford to get a pool in your home? Well, it’s not. Gone those days where people use to think that having pools is a luxurious statement, but these days it’s not such. In fact, there are many affordable options available to go for a pool in your home.

You can go for above-ground pools, as an alternative to in-ground pools. If the price is the issue that is stopping you from getting a pool, there’s nothing to worry anymore. There are plenty of reasonably priced options for putting a swimming pool in your backyard.

Myth 3 – Pool Heaters will Increase your Electric Bill

We all love to enjoy a heated pool, right? Well, if you’re having a solar pool heating system installed in your pool, you’re definitely going to enjoy your swimming time. But, if you believe that the system will increase the rate of your bills, it’s not true.

Solar pool heating system uses existing pool heat pump to circulate the water through the solar panels. There is no added electricity required to perform this.

Yes, but there are certain exceptions such as if an added automation system is installed to control the on and off operation of your solar pool heater for controlling the temperature or if you have more than one pool heating system installed for your pool.


Myth 4 – Using the BBB Method will Help you Save a lot of Money

You may be well-acknowledged with this BBB method and using it as well. BBB stands for B – Bleaching, Borax, and Baking Soda. This method is basically used for maintaining and cleaning the pools. While this is one of the simplest methods of cleaning the pool, but there are certain people who advise using pool chemical specially designed for cleaning.

The chemicals clean better and purely than compared to this method. But, it’s a myth, guys! Using the BBB method is still very much helpful and gives the best cleaning results. Hence, no matter you use the BBB method of any other pool chemical; think twice before you jump into a decision.

Myth 5 – Pool Water is not Harmful, so it’s never a Problem if Children swallow some Water

Do you seriously think so that pool water is not at all harmful despite including chlorine? Well, this time you’re not correct! Yes, chlorine no doubt helps to kill the bacteria in the water but what about the waterborne illness and germs? Germs are not equally susceptible to chlorine.

In fact, there are some germs and bacteria that take too long to destroy. In public pools number of people swim; so you should be careful before you or your children steps into the pool. Besides, it is found that one in five people admit to peeing in the pool. How about this reason to be cautious?

So now how you can say that your pool is healthy or not healthy? Well, for this you need to regularly maintain and clean your pool. In fact, the above-stated myths will help you break your false buildups for swimming pool and get you well-acknowledge to the real facts!

Jilli Smith

I am blogger and love to write home improvement related blogs. I like to stay updated with current affairs and always prefer to share my knowledge with others.

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