5 Ways to Clean a Fixer Upper

You bought a house! Congratulations! Or you may have inherited a house, which is just as exciting. Either way, having a house is something that is an adventure and can be a little overwhelming, especially if you have never owned a house before. Buying a house that isn’t brand new is a great option because the house payments will be cheaper and you can pay off your mortgage in less time. This is important because it allows you and your family to have financial freedom faster because you are out of paying a mortgage.


Cleaning the house and fixing it up is still a big task and you may have no idea where to start. This article will cover 5 ways you can start cleaning your new home:


Take One Room At A Time

You don’t want to spend all day running from room to room trying to fix and deep clean different aspects and items in each room. It is best to take it one room at a time and really focus on what each room needs and how much time it will take. Everyone’s fixer upper house is different and it will be up to you to decide what needs the most attention and care as you restore the house.


Clean the Entire House

This seems kind of obvious but you will need to fix the whole house, not just specific rooms. Think about the state of the house and what needs to be fixed. Do the walls need to be replaced? Does the outside of the house need new siding and shingles? If you don’t know how to replace or model something, you can always hire a professional if remodeling seems too big of a task.


Move Stuff Around

It is going to be next to impossible to fix a house up and get it really deep cleaned if there is a bunch of stuff around. Consider taking everything out of the house, except furniture or items that are too big to remove from the house. This gives you a great view of what the house looks like and what condition it is actually in. You will be able to see the walls and surrounding fixtures without a bunch of stuff crowding everything up. After you get a room completely cleaned and remodeled, you can start moving furniture and other living things back into the house.


Clean Again and Again

Depending on the condition of the house, you may need to clean certain parts of the house over and over again. This can be frustrating but be prepared to clean things more than once. If you need certain materials, such as stone, tile and grout cleaning there are companies that specialize in cleaning house materials. Take a couple of days to relax and rejuvenate when you are done cleaning an area. Come back and do another round of cleaning several days after so you aren’t constantly cleaning a specific place in the house.


Be Patient

Cleaning a fixer upper can take time and a lot of work. You won’t be able to clean the house in a day, it may take a couple of weeks or months. Don’t burn yourself by worrying about cleaning the house day in and day out. Cleaning takes a lot of physical labor and is hard work. Restoring a house to being a livable place is also hard work. You are taking care of both of these be patient with yourself. This isn’t something that you can do by yourself, you can ask for the help from your family and friends. You can try rotations or have something specific shifts, some people can work in the morning and other people can work in the evenings after work or school. This will make the workload easier because you have more than one person working on cleaning a house.


How did you clean your fixer upper? Start the conversation below by commenting.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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