5 Ways to Find a Personal Clothing Style

Choosing a new clothing style can be kind of frustrating. Sometimes you don’t know what you like, or you feel like you can’t afford anything that you actually like. Or maybe you feel afraid of what people will think when you show up wearing something totally out of the ordinary. What should you do? Follow these five tips to help you figure it all out.

Choose Colors That Reflect Your Mood and Personality

The one element of your clothing that will stand out from a distance is the color combinations that you choose. How do different colors make you feel when you try them on? Do bright colors make you feel happy or self-conscious? Do dark and neutral, subdued colors make you feel at peace and relaxed or make you feel depressed and bored?

Your personality will often be reflected in the colors of your clothing. If you find that your color preferences change according to your mood, then you will want to have a wide range of colors to choose from. But if you find that you gravitate toward certain natural colors like earth tones or relaxed grays and blues, then you might be interested in free fly lightweight clothing or something similar.

Work with a Clothing Budget That Matches Your Priorities

Actually, your starting point in finding your clothing style might be limited by your budget. But don’t feel like you have to be rich to express yourself. That’s just not true. No matter what your starting budget is, you can find some clothes that are a good match for you and make you feel good.

You might have to start with just one or two key pieces in your wardrobe, but if you put some effort and planning into it, you can find some anchor pieces that will go well with your other clothing. Try to choose pieces that can easily mix and match to create multiple outfits, and then add on intelligently using the same principles as your budget allows.

Choose Clothing for Practical Purposes

Many people are very practical by nature, and that will reflect in their clothing choices. You might love mobile gadgets and personal items yet hate carrying them around in a bag. So for you, perhaps cargo pants and cargo shorts will be good choices.

If you tend to be very energetic and love to move around a lot outdoors and play sports, then athletic apparel would be a good choice. If “gym is life” for you, then you’ll likely want to wear bodybuilding or CrossFit brands that reflect your athletic lifestyle.

Express Yourself with Work Attire

Your work attire will often be limited by company dress codes, but many jobs will still allow for some forms of personal expression in work clothing. If you get a new job at a clothing retailer at the mall, then take some time to browse the store and see what designs catch your attention. Some people actually choose their jobs at these stores simply because they like the clothing brand and want to get the employee discount—and there’s nothing wrong with that!

Confidently Experiment with Different Styles

The point is that you will likely be more comfortable and feel happier when your clothing reflects your personality, your mood, your values and your personal lifestyle interests. The problem is that too many people worry about what others will think of them, and they let these thoughts limit their own expression. Don’t do that! Enjoy the freedom that your clothing can bring you and don’t be afraid to try something different for a change. If an outfit makes you happy, then that’s what really matters.

Choosing a new clothing style can either be an exhilarating experience or it can be an exercise in despair and self-conscious drudgery. The best thing you can do is experiment a little, build your self-confidence and take some chances. Try out these five ideas for developing your own personal clothing style and see what a difference it can make in how you feel as you walk out the door every day.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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