5 Ways to Have Last Minute Summer Fun with the Family

Summer is almost over, and many kids will go back to school in a matter of days. It’s time to squeeze the very last drops of summer fun with the family. Whether you go across the country, to an amusement park, or even stay at home, there are many ways to have quality family time, even in a pinch. Here are 5 great ways that you can get the last bits of summer fun in:


1. Enjoy The Great Outdoors

The weather is ideal most of the time during summer, and you should take advantage of it. If you do not have a backyard, go to your nearest city park. You and your family can get great exercise, plenty of sunshine, and loads of laughter for free.

Many state and national parks are free—with just nominal fees for parking or camping. Have fun riding a bicycle in the park, or even go for scenic walks. Mayoclinic.org recommends walking as one of the best exercises for your family.


2. Limit Your Technology

Sure, you need your cell phone and computer for work and other necessary things around your home. It will not hurt if your kids spend a little time watching television or playing video games. However, these activities should not dominate your time as a family. This summer, set strict limits on technology.

Make it a rule that at dinner time, all technology is put on hold. Spend the time catching up with the things going on in each other’s lives. Introduce your kids to classic board games and classic outdoor sports, such as badminton or croquet. The cell phone calls and emails can wait.


3. Plant A Garden

Even if you live in an apartment, you can put beautiful potted plants on your porch or terrace. Think of all the valuable lessons your children could learn. They will find out the fascinating science behind planting seeds and caring for them as they mature into flowers or edibles. Make sure to look into outdoor pest control services to keep your garden safe from critters.

Many veggies are easy to grow, and would supply your family with food for the whole season, shares eatingwell.com. Flowers create stunning curb appeal and attract lovely butterflies and hummingbirds. Plus, your family will have a sense of pride when they see the results of their labors.


4.Take Up A Family Hobby

You are only limited to your imagination (and budget) when your family discovers a new hobby. During a family meeting, get some input from everyone and see where their interests are. Would everyone like to take up golf? Maybe horseback riding would be fun. If everyone is interested in crafts, your family might get good enough to sell your creations online. The key is to find something that everyone will enjoy and can be age-appropriate for each child.


5. Go On a Mini-Vacation

No one says that you must be gone for weeks at a time to have a memorable vacation. You can plan weekends or even just one day to visit places of interest. You might be surprised at the plethora of things to see and do right in your own community or state.

Kids of all ages love to go to zoos and aquariums. Many museums have days that are free for children of a certain age. Get online and do a little research about fun places that are a short trip away from home.

There is nothing more precious than your time together as a family. If it is wasted, there is no way of getting it again. Have fun this summer and reconnect with each other. Be sure to take lots of pictures while you create lasting family memories.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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