5 Ways to Make Learning Fun at Home

With an ever-changing world around us, our home base has become very important, especially where learning is concerned for young children and teens. It is not always a simple adjustment to make for our youth, but that doesn’t mean that our kids cannot absorb the lessons they need for education. In fact, a parent or guardian can play a major role in using creative ideas to spark interest and fun in learning at home. Check out our favorite ideas for easy and engaging activities.

1. Set Up A Child’s Workstation

We all like routine, and children need a space for learning that they can come to keep them focused and comfortable.

Maybe as a parent, you also have a workstation that helps you feel organized and know where all your supplies are stored, etc.

Kids need the same set-up so that they can work independently on school work and projects. A small table and chairs would be great for your child with a bookcase or shelves or boxes nearby filled with toys and activities to choose from.

2. Watch Educational DVDs For Learning

Visual learning is one way to keep your child engaged with their sense of sight. Kids will be attracted by vivid colors and diagrams they can understand.

An excellent way to expose a young mind to visual learning is through books and even better, via today’s digital formats. For example, if your children enjoy adventure and are fascinated by trains, then railroad DVDs are an exciting way to pique their interest and an adult’s as well.

3. Take Breaks, Let Kids Move About

It’s good to stretch those young muscles throughout the day, and taking a few 15-minute breaks will help children energize and shake off any boredom or monotony they may feel being indoors and learning at home.

You can play along with them. Try dancing or doing yoga exercises together. If you can get outside, then walk around the backyard and enjoy nature. Have a light, healthy snack, and hang out together. Maybe you can walk the dog or do any other kind of happy routines you enjoy as a family.

Try to get away from the over-saturation of digital distractions. Outdoors, kids can refine their motor skills like running, leaping, and jumping. Let kids move about and explore nature and get a little sunshine and fresh air before heading back inside for more lessons.

4. Always Keep A Daily Schedule

Children need a schedule, and that means waking up at the same time each day and getting dressed for learning. Staying in pajamas can lead to laziness. You want learning from home to be comfortable, but you also should treat the home base as a real school where real lessons are being taught.

Ensure that your child is getting a healthy breakfast for energy and to help them focus on the day ahead. It is also recommended that you organize their lunch and snacks to keep them hydrated and satisfied.

Some parents put together a basket for each child on the kitchen counter that is filled with their water bottle and snacks for the day to keep organized.

5. Create A Reading Zone Or Corner

Books are wonderful teaching tools for students of all ages, and setting up a little corner or zone for your child to relax in and explore the power of reading is another effective technique to make learning fun.

Most schools offer a library of educational resources and games for your child to log into at home. Sometimes, kids just want to curl up with a book, and it’s nice to have a ready shelf of good reads nearby or a basket of favorite books they can choose from.

It’s all about balance. Too much screen time isn’t good for anyone, including adults. Children need limits, and there are creative ways to set up these boundaries.

Education from home can be quite an adjustment for children of all ages. Many would probably prefer to be in school with their friends, but until that time can be safely insured, most children are learning at home. A parent or guardian can make learning fun with a little imagination.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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