5 Ways to Naturally Relieve Muscle Pain At Home

We all suffer from muscle pain at some point, and most of us want natural options to help relieve it. It’s an added bonus if we don’t have to leave the house! Here are some natural ways you can alleviate pain from the comfort of your own home.

Take a Hot Bath

Besides being relaxing and restorative, hot baths can also help you if you’re struggling with pain. Run a bath that ranges from 92-100 degrees Fahrenheit and sink in. Warm water can increase blood flow, so the areas that need assistance can get relief from inflammation and tightness.

For added effect, add Epsom salt to your bath while the warm water is running. The magnesium in Epsom salt helps relax tense muscles, and this should lead to less pain. If you take your baths at night, you can even choose an Epsom salt that has aromas to aid in sleep. Getting plenty of rest is key when trying to eliminate pain in the body.


Our bodies and minds are connected, so it makes sense that you need to address both when dealing with pain or illness. Starting a meditation practice allows you to set a time each day to release your thoughts and make an intentional effort to relax your body. Though relaxing muscles may not immediately lead to the end of pain, it’s a good first step.

Studies have proven that meditating reduces pain in individuals who practice it, and you don’t have to practice it perfectly to benefit. Your mind will never be completely clear, but focusing on your breath or bringing your attention back to your senses can do wonders in lowering your stress level. Many believe that meditation’s ability to reduce stress is directly related to its ability to relieve pain.


If you equate getting a massage with having to make an appointment and leave your house, think again. While getting a massage from a professional can be helpful, you can reap the benefits of a massage from home. You can have a friend or partner gently massage areas where you have pain, or you can even learn how to practice self-massage on the areas of your body you can reach.

Another effective tool to have is a massage gun. This piece of equipment lets you target areas of the body that need help the most, and it can offer fast results. Investing in one means you can release lactic acid, help prevent injuries, and release muscle pain effectively.


Whether or not you love hitting the mat, it is a good strategy for pain relief. Runners, lifters, and other athletes can recover from muscle pain by practicing the gentle stretching involved in yoga.

Yoga encourages you to tune into your body while also being aware of how you feel emotionally. This can lead to you experiencing both a physical and mental boost, creating an increase in your overall wellbeing.

If you have a specific injury, make sure you follow a yoga practice that encourages modifications for your needs. It’s important to make sure you do what benefits your source muscles without pushing them too far.

Keep Moving

Though it may seem counterproductive, continuing to move your aching muscles can help relieve pain. Unless you have an injury you’ve specifically been told to rest, you can continue low-impact exercise to help release the tension in your body. This can mean walking, gardening, or light lifting.

Seek a doctor’s opinion if you’re unsure, but if you’re given the go-ahead, continuing to be active will help you heal faster.

Muscle pain happens, but you can treat it simply and naturally from your home.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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