5 Ways to Pass Your Restaurant Inspection with Flying Colors

Not much is worse for a restaurant owner than a surprise pest inspection. Not only are inspections an interruption in your daily activities, but also, they’re nerve-wracking. That said, nothing puts a pest inspector on high alert more than a fidgety, nervous restaurateur. Fortunately, there is a way for you to calm your nerves, reduce the amount of time spent on an inspection and pass with flying colors. What’s the secret, you may ask? The answer is preparation and, of course, a little help from your pest control services in Orlando.

Print a Checklist

The Department of Health has a printable checklist on its website that makes it easy for restaurant owners and business owners alike to identify health hazards and to fix them. Before the inspector arrives, inspect your establishment yourself as if you were the inspector and while using the checklist. If you really want to make things easy on yourself, do this on a weekly basis. The more often you both update your checklist and actually audit it, the easier the inspection will be every single time it comes down to it. In addition, the health inspector will be happy that you are keeping up to date with the standard code requirements.

Conduct Your Own Surprise Inspections

Every local government functions via its own set of codes and standards, as each region is prone to different pests and conditions. For this reason, the Department of Health’s checklist may not be sufficient guidelines by which you should conduct your health inspection. Really give yourself an edge by conducting surprise inspections of your own that utilize various local forms. This surprise audit will reveal the truth about your success in relation to your compliance. Better to make it an internal surprise rather than an external surprise with a health inspector!

Set Up a Maintenance Schedule

Your staff is just as crucial to the success of your business as you are. If your staff are not properly trained on how to clean items or maintain the premises, it is not unthinkable that certain aspects of your business will go left unattended. Put together a maintenance schedule and assign various tasks to each member on each shift. Include a place on the list where each team member can initial once he or she has completed his or her respective duties.

Keep Proper Materials On Hand

In addition to ensuring that your premises are spotless, the inspector is also going to want to see that your employees are properly trained in HACCP procedures, foodborne illnesses and safety practices. Keep accurate records regarding training and relevant materials in one easy-to-access location. The proper records in the proper locations will make it easy for all employees, including yourself, to find the materials necessary to contain foodborne illness and run a healthy establishment.

Call in Help

Your best defense against pests in your business is routine inspections and treatment by trained service technicians. The professionals can both advise you on what you need to do to reduce the risk for pests in your establishment and remain in compliance with local, state and federal safety requirements. Whether you’re in need of pest control for restaurants in Denver CO, or establishments in Orlando, FL, contact your local pest specialist for more information.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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