6 electricity saving tips for you this summer

With the onset of summers it’s good reason to stay indoors and feel comfortable.  But that warm weather we’ve been waiting for all year also comes with substantial surges in our utility bills. Don’t worry cooling down your home doesn’t have to result in jacking up your energy bill. There are a couple tricks and tips—requiring minimal effort—that will help you save on your energy bill while also helping to save the planet.

Cooling costs account for about 50% of the home energy budget. Figuring out the best way to ventilate your home will result in serious savings and a reduction in energy consumption.

Here are some tips that will help you cut down on those costs.

Get a programmable thermostat

A programmable thermostat is a very energy-efficient tool. It allows you to program what hours your home will be vacant and when you will be asleep. During those times, it will adjust the temperature of your home accordingly.

This removes the hassle of constantly adjusting your thermostat and the dread of coming home to a scorching house. This will optimise your electricity bills and help you save on a lot of cash.

Use energy star appliances

Energy-efficient appliances, such as halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light emitting diodes (LEDs), typically use about 25-80 percent less energy than traditional incandescents, which saves a lot of money. Getting a landlord electrical certificate would also save you from lot of hassles.

Also,  dishwashers, washers, dryers, fridges, freezers, ovens and air conditioners with a star rating could reduce your energy consumption by more than 50 percent. Great news isn’t it? That little extra investment will go a long way in saving electricity.

Block sun with blinds and drapes

Window treatments or coverings don’t just decorate your home, they can also help you save energy. Some carefully selected window treatments can prevent your house from heating up under the summer sun.

There are two options for window treatments: blinds and drapes. When fully pulled down and closed over a window with a lot of sun exposure, blinds can reduce heat gain by up to 45%. During summer days, you can close draperies on windows receiving direct sunlight to prevent heat gain as well. Drapes can reduce heat gain by 33%.

Check home insulation

Air leakage occurs when air from the outside enters and conditioned air leaves your house through cracks and openings. Although you may not notice it, this makes it harder and more expensive for you to ventilate your home.

Reducing the flow of air leaking in and out of your home is a cost-effective way to cut the price of cooling and maximize the functionality of your air conditioning system.

Clean air conditioning vents and units

Many people who have central air conditioning or heating believe that closing air vents means keeping heated or cooled air inside. In fact, keeping them open prevents the heater or air conditioner from working properly.

Replace your air filters regularly to maintain the ideal airflow — and keep outside particulate matter from entering. Electrician in Newport will get your job done without you having to worry about anything.

Don’t use electricity when you are not using

Unfortunately, most of us keep things plugged in for hours or even days between the times we actually use them. Turning your AC off while you’re sleeping can result in huge savings. Even adjusting the temperature before you leave your house (assuming nobody will be home) will yield savings.

Also, devices in standby mode consume electricity. So ensure to switch them off completely and save electricity

Plus if you live in a climate where there are cool nights or regular breezes, take advantage of it. Eliminate electricity usage altogether by opening windows when it cools down outside.


Don’t let an expensive utility bill ruin your summer. Follow these easy steps and start saving money and the environment!


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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