6 Foods That Will Alleviate Your Menstruation Woes

Do you hate your periods because it makes cranky, feel nauseous, and lose concentration at the wrong time during your studies or important work assignments?

This is something we all go through every month. So why not, once and for all, conclude the discussions about what to eat during these times.

It goes without saying that you should avoid processed and junk food during this period. But here is the thing: menstruation bleeding is quite natural and should be dealt through natural foods.

What if I tell you that can alleviate your menstruation cramps eating chocolates and oranges?

Yes, you read that right.

So, without waiting any further, let us jump right into it.

1.    Water

To regain the fluid loss of the body during those special days, you need to replenish it with an adequate supply of water. Water will not only help you feel less bloated but is also great for a radiant skin and glossy hair.

Talking about fluid, chamomile tea is excellent to calm down your uterus distress. The reduced anxiety related to cramps will surely help you enjoy a peaceful sleep.

2.    Banana

During the menstruation, you need to be prepared for bloating and other stomach-related problems. Bananas and yogurt are the best remedies to cope with this ordeal. They are rich in fiber, magnesium, and potassium and are ideal for relaxing your nerves.

Bananas are soft and sweet to the mouth – all the more chances for you to overeat them. But you need to Stick to a plan – for example, limit yourself to 3 bananas a day.

Although it is natural sugar, too much of everything can be nasty. Same is the case with oranges. You can take them because they are rich in fiber and will help you overcome the stomach problems.

3.    Unprocessed Dark Chocolate

Yeah, I know you were waiting for this one. There is a reason we are crazy about chocolates; because it has a magnesium in it. And this the very material that helps us fight PMS symptoms such as headaches and cramps.

This does not mean, however, that you can eat sweets and other types of processed chocolates. Do not forget that artificial sugar is still a big “No-No” for you. So put on your t-shirt with custom patches and do the hassle of finding an original, unprocessed dark chocolate or order online.

4.    Salmon

Salmon is one of the best foods your period woes. They are rich in Vitamin D and the Omega-3 which not only fight cramp pains and PMS symptoms but also relaxes your skin muscles. Omega 3 fatty acid is also found in walnuts, avocados, and pumpkins. Fried Salmon is not recommended, though. Choose grilled salmon with a salad to get the most benefits.

5.    Egg

You can keep having your morning eggs. Eggs are armor against PMS symptoms because they are made of vitamins B6, D, E, and proteins. Vitamins D are the strongest among them to prepare your body against the menstruation issues. They will boost your energy levels and overcome mood swings and sleepless nights.

6.    Broccoli

Do you feel down during period without any reason? Broccoli can be the solution. It comes handy during the menses.

This green leafy vegetable is also on top of the doctor’s recommended list for a healthy lifestyle. There is a good reason for it.  During heavy bleedings, you not only lose large amounts of iron, but it also affects your digestion. Broccoli is loaded with fiber, magnesium, potassium, and iron to fix all the issues related to menstruation.

Boil it, grill it, make a smoothie, or take it with main meals during the day. Whatever you choose to do with it, it will nourish your body, reduce bloating – a kind of support system for you.

Things can go tough during menses, but these natural foods will help you survive the challenges of your daily life.

Olivia Jones

I am an artist by passion and a blogger by profession. I've a fascination for nature and I capture them in my paintings. I am an avid reader and love photography.

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