6 Interesting Ideas To Succeed Your Business With Instagram Advertising

Instagram has grown quietly with a vast community of more than one billion monthly active users. The involvement of users on Instagram pushed it to the leading social media platform. It is a place where you can find a higher engagement level and attracts many businesses to include Instagram in their marketing plan to get more reach. Instagram offers plenty of opportunities to grow your business among the target audiences.

If you want to capture the attention of target audiences, the best way is by using the Instagram advertising technique. There are targeting options available in advertising to select the audience’s interest, behavior, age, and gender that relates to your target audiences. Instagram Ads become an enticing place for brands to gain a higher engagement level and attain more profit.

Benefits Of Instagram Advertising

  • Since Instagram and Facebook are inter-connected, you can easily target your audience using Facebook data. The ads run on Instagram through Facebook only.
  • Instagram ads are highly trustable and will not annoy your audiences.
  • Gain more engagement through Instagram ads than other social media networks.
  • Increase your product sale by promoting your shopping site.
  • Provides success by creating brand awareness.
  • Instagram offers the best result in ROI with less period and effective marketing features.

Ways To Get Success By Running Instagram Ads

The below article provides you the valuable steps to run Instagram ads and attain growth in your business.

#1: Select The Ad Objective

Before creating an ad campaign, log on to your Facebook account to link with the ads manager. The first step to create a campaign is to choose the objective for running the ad on Instagram. Instagram provides you the three main categories to select goals, such as Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. These objectives have sub-options to make your campaign clear, and the specific options to choose are,

  • Brand Awareness – This option is to engage your target audiences with your content and bring awareness about your brand or business.
  • Reach – Make your ads display in front of more users and get a higher reach.
  • Traffic – If your objective is to visit more users to your website or any landing page, this option is suitable.
  • Engagement – Set your objective to engagement; if you want user interaction with likes, comments, and shares, then use this option.
  • App Installs – If you are selling products through your own app, you can use this option to direct users to download your app.
  • Video Views – If you promote your content to get IGTV views and likes, reels views, etc., choose the video views option to showcase your product features.
  • Lead Generation – Find the people who have an interest in your brand or business by selecting lead generation.
  • Messages – It helps to have direct communication with you to clarify their doubts and make purchases.
  • Conversions – If you want direct sales from your ads, choosing the conversion option will be the best.

Selecting your objective is the smart way to reach your goal through Instagram ads. So make it clear while picking objectives.

#2. Name Your Campaign

Once setting objectives for your ad, the next screen is giving a name for your campaign. If you run multiple ads, the campaign name only helps you find out and easily track the result. Provide the name for your campaign with an intention. For example, if you are promoting your brand, give the name of the promotion. It helps to track the performance and find the specific ad easily.

Below the name setting option, there is an option to create a split test. While enabling the split test, it allows you to differentiate the performance of your different ads and allocates budget automatically to perform ads getting higher reach. Another option is Campaign Budget Optimization that automatically sets a budget for your ad.

#3. Choose Placements

Next page after the campaign name appears the placement option. It allows you to display your ad in the selected places. There is also an automatic placements option where the system shows your ad to most of the people but with more budget. Setting a high budget will not be suitable for all the business. So, the ads manager provides the edit placement option with the following platforms,

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Audience network

From the above option, choose only the Instagram check box and ensure your ad displays on Instagram alone. The placement option provides you the opportunity to display your ad among a wide range of people on the specific platform. If you choose Facebook also, the budget goes higher and distributes your ad to only fewer people.

#4. Target Your Audience

If you want to get more reach for your business or brand, know the audiences who have an interest in your brand and target them with the demographics and interest option. Make your money worth it by targeting your audiences in the right way. You can target audiences by choosing the below categories:

  • Location – Choose the specific region or countries globally by using the location option.
  • Age – Select the age range of your target audiences, starting from 13 to 65+.
  • Gender – You have the option to choose men, women, or all genders to display your ads.
  • Detailed Targeting – It has three subcategories – Demographics, Interest, and Behavior.
  1. Demographics – Choose people based on education, employment, and style. You can also exclude people from it.
  2. Interests – The interest option targets users based on the activities attended by them, the pages they like, and related topics to your business.
  3. Behaviors – It targets people involved in purchasing and other activities, travels intention, etc.,
  • Languages – Using this option, you can target people of all languages as an auto option. If you need to target specific people with specific language, you can use this option.
  • Connections – Show your ad to the users who are all already connected with your page or app.

While choosing these options, running Instagram ads for your business will be more specific and gain awareness about your brand with a wide range of people.

#5. Schedule Ad With Specific Budget

When you run ads on Instagram, to make it efficient, set the budget and time to perform your ad on multiple users’ Instagram feed. The ads manager provides two options to set a budget, one is a daily budget, and the other is a lifetime budget.

The daily budget allows your ad to run regularly by spending the allocated amount on each day. You can also set the start and end dates with the budget allotted accordingly. Whereas the lifetime budget is setting a whole amount with a specific schedule of the ad. Instagram takes the amount automatically according to the engagement rate on the same day.

#6. Choose Ad Format      

The last step is to upload your content either in video or image format with great captions and relevant hashtags to publish. There are different formats available based on your objective, and the main formats are listed below.

  • Photo ads – The photo ad allows you to add a single image in your ad with the sponsored option at the top right corner of the ad.
  • Carousel ads – It is similar to photo ads, but you can post multiple ads and slide horizontally to view other images.
  • Video ads – Video ads allow you to add video clips for 3 to 60 seconds with a sponsored option.
  • Collection ads – It enables users to purchase your product directly from the ad.
  • Stories ads – When you choose this ad, it can either photos or videos that run in between the stories of Instagram users.

Choose the correct ad format according to your objective to get better results at the end of your ad performance.

Final Thought

Instagram is usually a perfect place for marketers to grow their businesses or brands. It has lots of features to male improvements in your growth. One of the main features is running Instagram ads to reach your brand with new audiences among billions of Instagram users. Advertising on Instagram is the best ROI for all the brands and gain more engagement.

Caterina Taylor

Caterina Taylor is an experienced social media marketer and writer working at PlanYourGram. She has the potential to deliver engaging content on various platforms.

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