6 SEO Strategies to Lead With in 2020

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the most powerful marketing tools there is. If your organization puts out any form of content at all, you need SEO.

SEO marketing allows your potential customers to find you easily through search engines, which means that more people land up at your website, and this will ultimately lead to more business opportunities.

The unique thing about SEO strategies is that it does not target a large set of audiences every once in a while. When you use SEO, people are actively involved in your marketing strategy every single day. The ultimate advantage with SEO is that you can reach your customers at any time of any day, even without an ad campaign.

That being said and done, you will need to curate an SEO strategy for your company, which will enable you to keep track of the SEO tools you’re using and analyse if they are working well or not.

Here are some of the best SEO strategies you should lead with in 2020 –

  1. Blog Posts

Blog posts are brief written content that speaks about your company, industry, as well as related news. Blog posts are gaining traction as one of the most effective ways to bring traffic to your website. Blog posts are an excellent way of updating your website on a regular basis, which means that followers will always remain up-to-date regarding your business and all of its offerings.

Regular blog post uploads will not only show visitors that you care about the content presented on the site, but it also shows Google that you regularly add to the site, thereby becoming an authority in your industry.

Most blog posts remain within the 1000-word mark – to keep things informative yet interesting. You can use multimedia to add colourful graphics which will keep your viewer attracted to the site.

  1. Title Tags

Title tags can best be described as the names for the different pages available on your website. Title tags are also the first portion of your page that Google analyses in order to verify your status. For this reason, it is important that title tags have keywords in them.

By adding keywords, Google will know where exactly to place your page when the keyword appears on the search engine. Title tags are also an excellent way of drawing more traffic and clicks to your website.

You can use numbers, prices, brand names, and many more such power words to create your title tags, leading to more clicks from visitors.

If someone searches Google for ‘the best vacuum cleaner 2020’, and a title tag on your page reads ‘the best vacuum cleaner on sale’, the customer is most likely to click on your page and maybe even purchase from you.

  1. Meta Descriptions

Meta-descriptions are yet another way to keep your website SEO-approved. Meta-descriptions are generally one or two sentences that describe what a potential customer can find on your site. Meta-descriptions help SEO by improving your CTR (click-through rate), which means that more people are prompted to click on your page when it appears on the search engine.

Meta-descriptions most often include ideas like – what the page holds, why someone would visit this page, what results one can expect from the page, and so on.

Meta-descriptions can be altered and adjusted regularly on the basis of the CTR obtained form it. With trial and error, you will be able to understand if a meta-description posed as a question might work for you, or perhaps you get more clicks when you use certain keywords, and so on.

  1. Content Cluster

Content clusters are a relatively new way of bringing in more engagement to your website is one of the most sought-after SEO strategies for 2020. To make content clusters, you will need to create a ‘cluster’ of content around a single topic. This way you can provide more information about your topic while also optimizing your keyword usage.

While creating clusters for one topic works well, the topic as well the information provided with it needs to be relevant.

For example, if you are writing about ‘green practices to implement at work’, you can create a cluster of topics such as – sustainable purchasing, reusable tools, energy-saving lights, and so on.

Using content clusters will not only bring more engagement but will also show Google and your customers that you have enough authority to write quality information about your products and services.

  1. Content Translation

Search engines like Google and Yahoo promote websites that use effective and clear content translation. Using content translation as an SEO strategy will require a few considerations. First, you must identify the target market. Next, find out if you are seeking to improve the reader base on your website. If you are in agreement with any of these two considerations, then the content translation is definitely a good SEO option for you.

With content translation, your content will no longer be limited to availability in a single language or for a particular group of people alone. Using content translation will give you the opportunity to explore additional markets, enhanced customer share, as well a higher ranking on search engines.

Some of the most popular international languages include- Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Russian, amongst others. Remember to choose the right translation memory software to obtain the best results.

  1. Internal Links

Lastly, internal links are only of the most fool-proof ways of optimizing your SEO strategy. Internal links are basically hyperlinks that point to a different page within the same website. Internal links allow users to navigate through a website with much more ease, while also helping to establish a hierarchy for your website. With the help of internal links, link equity which is the ranking power around the website will also be spread out more evenly, thereby returning more hits.

Sumeet Thakur

Sam T. is a digital marketer and freelancer on Up work where he talks about digital marketing case studies, tips, techniques, and more.

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