6 Signs You Need to Invest in New Gutters

Chances are you don’t take much notice of your home’s gutters. They may look okay from a distance, but without proper inspection it is hard to know if any repairs or replacements are needed. As gutters do not last forever, so chances are if your gutters were installed more than 10 years ago, they are reaching the end of their life span. But of course, the lifespan greatly depends on the quality of materials used and the amount of maintenance carried out.

While doing repair on sections of your guttering may seem like the cheapest option. Depending on the age of your gutters this may be money down the drain, as gutters like all things have a lifespan. So, it is best to call in the professionals like the team at Taylor Fascia who are experts in gutter repair and gutter replacement in Auckland. As they can give you expert advice about whether your gutters can be repaired or whether they need replacement. As often repairs can be very costly and if the gutters are old you are often better off replacing the whole system anyway.

1. Sagging Gutters

One clear warning that you need to replace your home’s gutters is sagging gutters. Sagging gutters can be caused by a variety of things, from gutters filled with debris, to loss of fasteners like screws holding gutters in place. It is important to take note when your gutters are sagging as chances are they are not doing their job correctly, which can lead to costly damage to your home. Sagging gutters can also be caused by incorrect gutter sizing, as there are many sizes of spouting and gutter pipes, and if incorrectly selected the system will be overloaded and not function as it should.

2. Separated Gutters

Gutters often separate from the joins, when separated they do not function as they should, as gutters must be a continuous system to work. Often with age gutters come apart at the joins, and require repairs or replacements. This is why it is recommended to go for a continuous spouting custom-made for your home. As gutters last a lot longer when there are no joins.

3. Cracks

Overtime often gutters will develop cracks and damage, whether it is from falling debris or deterioration over time. Even the smallest of cracks affects the function of your guttering system, as instead of directing water away from your home it will drip water down the walls and cladding of your home.

4. Broken Fasteners

Although you can hammer in the fasteners time and again, if spaces continue to appear between your roofline and your gutters, the fascia boards may be rotting. A gutter replacement will fix the fascia problems along with getting new gutters.

5. Water Damage

Another sign that you need to replace your gutters is water damage to the exterior of your home. This can be in the form of watermarks on your paintwork, or even peeling or bubbling paint. This is caused by gutters that are damaged or not functioning properly.

6. Rust

Even metal gutters do not necessarily last forever, if the protective coating or paint starts to come off of your gutters they will begin to rust. Rusting gutters will eventually get holes in them that will cause your gutters to not function as they should. Aluminium gutters that won’t rust are becoming more and more popular, so that’s an option to consider when you’re getting your gutters replaced.

So, if you notice one or more of the signs above it is probably time to start organising a gutter repair or replacement. But it is important to consider the lifespan of your guttering system as often repairs can be almost as costly as replacements. That’s why it is often better to get an expert opinion about whether a replacement or repair is a better option.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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