6 Simple Cooking Skills Your Kids Need to Learn About



Kids become more confident about themselves when they learn any new things.Cooking for kids is such a skill. Kids are not eligible for complete cooking, but they can help and prepare some foods for them easily if they have the skill. This skill is pretty useful when you’re busy and your kid needs to eat. They can then prepare foods for themselves which will make him more self confident. Today, we have 6 simple cooking tips that your kids should know.

  1. Making Toast

Toast making is the very first “cooking” skill that your kids should know. This is very simple to make a toast. For the first time, you need to show them how to do it. Remember, kids like to learn new things every time. After learning from you, they will practice and believe me, one day they will be masters in making toast.

  1. Measuring

Measuring is another essential cooking skill. If your kid can’t measure the components of the cooking correctly, your kids won’t able to cook any food. Just teach them how he/ she can measure different elements with different ways like cups or spoon. They love measuring. However, I haven’t met any kid who doesn’t like measuring. You may also turn this into a math lesson. Such as, you have a cup and the recipe says ½ cup. Now ask him/ her what should you do?

  1. Preparing Egg

Egg is full of essential fats and amino acids. This is a common food worldwide. Eggs can be prepared in many forms, easily and within a short time. Two common and universal forms are boil and omelet. Boiling an egg is easier than omelet. You can teach them how to boil an egg or make an egg omelet. My kids love boiling eggs and they also like to play with boiled eggs. But remember, if your kids are under 5 years old; don’t try to teach them about making omelet as there is risk in it. They can burn their skin with hot oil.

  1. Cutting

Well, cutting is another necessary part of cooking. But in case of children, you should have to be more careful. Don’t give big butcher or very sharp knife to them. There’s an accident can be happened. You should teach them step by step. Well, start from cutting a pizza. When you think they’re ready to cut vegetable or fruits, then teach it. Until then, keeps sharp knife away from them.

  1. Cooking Rice or Cereal

Almost all of us have rice cookers. Cooking rice in a rice cooker is very simple. Just teach them the 1:2 grain method- two cups water for one cup grain. Your kids are eligible to do it at age 4, seriously. You may also write the method on the rice cooker. For the cereal, it’s same. Just show them how they can mix cereals.

  1. Pressing Garlic

When my kids were little, they loved a lot pressing the garlic through the garlic press. They rather made it fun. If you don’t have any garlic press, then you may get one. Pressed garlic adds great flavor to any roasted veggies. And the interest fact is kids love too much to prepare pressed garlic. In fact, you’ll be helped by them too.

Besides these 6 skills, your kid should have another important skill. And that is called “Cleaning”. Each child should be taught how to clean the dishes or the kitchen as well when they finish the cooking. If your child learns these 6 simple skills of cooking for kids, then they will be more confident and these skills will help your kids in future.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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