6 Subtle Ways to Improve Customer Service

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How often do your customers leave positive reviews for your phone skills? When it comes to your public, you should be doing all in your power to provide a superior example of it. This most certainly will include sharpening your customer service skills to a fine point. Here are 6 great new ways to improve your customer service.

1. Use an On Hold Service

If you have to put your customer on hold, it’s essential that you keep them happy. One of the best ways to do so will be to make use of on-hold messaging services. These are essential services that will keep your customer not only occupied but fully engaged as they wait for you to respond to their call.

2. Perfect Your Opening Speech

When you do get on the line with your customer, make sure that your opening speech is a good one. It needs to be as polite, friendly, and engaging as possible. The person on the other end of the line needs to know that a professional is ready to help them. Get straight to the point, establish authority, and let them know that you care.

3. Pay Attention to the Customer

The next step in developing good customer service skills will be to pay full attention to your customer. Make sure that you get every detail of their complaints or questions. This way, you will know exactly why they are calling. You will also know exactly what you can do to help them find a solution.

4. Be as Patient as Possible

One of the key customer handling skills that a phone rep needs to have is the ability to be patient. The person on the other end of the line may be nervous, angry, or agitated. You not only need to hear what they are saying but also know how to keep them calm and on point. The more patience you have, the more effective you will be.

5. Get Them Help as Soon as You Can

You may not be able to deal with the problem that your customer is informing you of. This may mean that you will need to put them on hold for a few moments while you find someone who can. If this is the case, you need to explain this to the customer as pleasantly as possible.
The best way to keep them happy is to inform that you will find someone who can handle their issue. You should then be true to your word by getting that expert on the line as soon as possible. This is a scenario where speed is of the essence. The sooner you connect them with someone who can solve their problem, the better.

6. Always Leave Them in a Good Mood

When you finish your call with the customer, you want them to go away smiling. You want them to feel as though they were listened to and that their issue was handled in a courteous and professional manner. Your goal as a business owner or customer service rep should always be to ensure full satisfaction on the part of your customer.

The Time to Improve Your Customer Service is Now

There is no better time than the present to perfect your level of customer service. This is a skill that your business and its representatives will be judged by. You only get one chance to make the very best first impression. It will be up to you to make sure that the impression you give your customers is as positive as it can be.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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