6 Super Foods You Need to Eat For Weight Loss

Even though there is no magic food for weight loss, there are different foods that can help you in achieving your weight loss goals. Most types of foods included in the weight loss diets usually have low energy density and they are rich in fiber. This means that you can eat a good sized portion without consuming excess calories. Here are five foods that you should include in your weight loss diet.


Eggs are rich in premium quality fats, proteins, and key nutrients such as choline and vitamin D. Studies show that individuals who eat eggs for breakfast tend to feel more satisfied and will eat less during the day when compared to those who eat bagels for breakfast. This is because a high-protein breakfast containing eggs will promote weight loss by increasing satiety by regulating appetite hormones and hunger.


Salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein and offers plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. A diet that is rich in good fats like omega-3 fatty acids will help you to feel more satisfied and this is especially good when you are watching your calories. Eating salmon is a great way of getting the recommended two-weekly servings of heart-healthy fish.


Avocados are rich in dietary fiber, phytochemicals, potassium, and monounsaturated fatty acids. Individuals who regularly eat avocados usually have lower body weight, waist circumference, and BMI than those who avoid this super food. Even though avocados are rich in calories when compared to other vegetables and fruits, their fiber and the good fat combination can assist you in losing weight. You should add avocados to your sandwich or salad for a burst of flavor and creaminess. Check out DadQuarters.com for detailed information on super foods and great diet programs.


All types of beans are rich in fiber. This means that beans are an excellent addition to your diet because they will help you control hunger by making you feel fuller for longer. Eating legumes and beans have also been associated with other health benefits such as reducing LDL cholesterol, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and regulating blood pressure. Beans contain low amounts of cholesterol and proteins, and you can try them in your soups, salads, and homemade veggie burgers.


Fruits usually get a bad blow because they are rich in natural sugars. However, eating fruits can assist you in losing weight, particularly when you substitute unhealthy snacks or processed fruits with fresh fruits. You will get a sweet, natural treat and reap the benefits of antioxidants and fibers. Research shows that consuming lots of fruits reduces the risk of being obese or overweight.


Yogurt is rich in probiotics and proteins which are essential for your gut health and can also aid your weight-loss efforts. The health status of your gut can greatly impact your weight and body metabolism. Eating more probiotics and fiber can help to keep your gut bacteria happy and boost your metabolism. With Greek yogurt, you will enjoy increased satiety and reduced appetite. It is best to take plain yogurt instead of flavored yogurt to cut on calories.

Losing weight can be great fun. However, for most people, maintaining this loss can be quite challenging. Since food is one of the major contributors to weight gain, you need to watch what you eat. Including these six foods in your diet will help you to achieve your weight loss goals. They will help you feel fuller for longer and provide the necessary nutrients that will aid in your weight loss journey.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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