6 Techniques to Help You Overcome Everyday Obstacles

Do you ever feel like life is working against you? Like every time you get a little bit ahead, something comes along to knock you back down another peg?

It’s natural to feel this way sometimes, but it’s dangerous to get stuck in that pattern of thinking. The truth is that there are no conspiracy theories at play. Life is full of obstacles for every one of us. Whether or not we overcome depends on how we handle those obstacles.

Here are six techniques to help you overcome everyday obstacles.

1. Take a huge step back :

When you’re feeling stuck in any given situation, take a literal and figurative step back. If you can, literally walk away from the obstacle to clear your head. And then, try to focus on something else for a moment. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in the problem that we can’t see the solution. Distance usually helps.

2. Think about the worst :

When an obstacle presents itself, think about the worst case scenario. Don’t stress about it, but really think it through. Let’s say you own your own business and a big product launch is set for a major and unexpected delay. What’s the worst case scenario? You may lose some customers and your reputation may take a hit, but you’re not going to lose the important things in life. You probably won’t even go out of business. You’ll just have to work harder to recover. You will handle it like you’ve handled everything before, and you’ll be okay.

3. Take an objective approach :

Actively imagine that you’re helping a friend with this problem instead of dealing with it yourself. What advice would you give her? We can get very emotional about decisions and obstacles, and it helps to take an outside perspective.

If it helps, try writing down the facts of the situation. Pretend you’re harming someone else with all the information they would need to make a decision. Next, walk away and do something else. When you come back to read the paper, you’ll be able to read through the problem without the attached emotion.

4. Ask for help :

We tend to stress over things when we think we’re on our own. But the truth is, that we’re never truly on our own. There’s always someone ready and willing to help. Think about someone who fell victim to an addiction. He speaks the words, “I need help” to an addiction counselor and suddenly she presents him with a list of state-funded recovery programs. Imagine you’re down on your luck and need to borrow cash. Do you know anyone who would help? Humans are compassionate beings, and it’s in our DNA to be helpful, so don’t be afraid to reach out.

5. Reframe the obstacle :

You may have heard the old saying that life is a highway. This reminds us that we should enjoy the journey instead of getting focused on the destination. Obstacles are only negative when you’re focused on the destination. Then, the obstacle becomes something in your way. But if you’re focused on the journey, the obstacle is just another path.

Try to reframe things that seem negative as positive. To accomplish this, look for the good in any situation. Did you learn something? Will you come out of this a better person? Maybe you met a new person through the experience. Whatever it is, focus on the good.

This obstacle is now part of your story. Make it count.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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