6 Tips for Healthcare Workers Working Long Shifts

As human beings, we need to eat, rest, sleep, and have quality time for ourselves. Healthcare workers are human beings, and they are not an exception to these needs.
In healthcare facilities, long working shifts are a common occurrence, and we all know that it is difficult to follow a set routine daily. Long shifts will always deny us a chance to fulfill these human needs regardless of the environment where we are working in.
Here are some tips that you can use to get through the long shift while still offering high-quality health care services to your patients.

Make Quality Use of Your Breaks

We all have different methods that help us relax. Whether it is listening to our favorite songs, reading a good book or meditating, there is something unique to each of us. Find your most exciting activity, and take some time to reward yourself during the quick break during your long shifts at the hospital.
Avoid engaging in draining activities such as playing high energy games. Avoid anything that calls for intense focus or puts you on alert since that takes away the point of why you are taking a break in the first place. You can also take a quick nap if you love sleeping to enhance your performance after the break.

Organize for a Pickup

At the end of your shift, you will be tired. As much as driving under fatigue does not sound as dangerous as drunk driving, it is not safe since it accounts for a good number of road accidents. It is not good to take chances and risk getting into an accident, especially after working for several hours straight in a busy hospital environment. Plan with a friend to pick you up, take a bus home or call a taxi to drive home.

Learn to Prepare Your System a Few Days Earlier

If you are scheduled to work a long shift that interferes with your sleeping schedule, it is crucial to prepare your body for changes in circadian rhythms. Start by changing the time you go to bed and get out of bed at least a few days before the long shift. You might still feel a little off during the long shift, but it is better than feeling loopy or dazed.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Most of us already find it difficult to keep drinking water on a regular working day. In a situation like a long shift, you might find yourself moving up and down the health facility, and you are expected to remain focused all the time. Water is an excellent way to boost your energy and help you stay put. It is also wise to carry real food with you or get some since taking natural foods elevates your moods.

Order Uniforms and Work-Wears Online

As a healthcare worker, you are required to wear a uniform. Work-wear is needed to be safe, smart, and practical. While the uniform contributes to the healthcare work image, professionalism, and boosting trust and public confidence, it keeps you and your families safe. Working in your regular clothes and going home in them puts others into risks due to the germs and contaminations.
The uniforms must be comfortable and allow mobility. Sometimes you need to replace your work-wear, but you do not have time to go shopping due to the long shifts. In that case, the internet should be your best friend. For example, you can find Cherokee scrubs by a quick Google search.

Learn to Say No

Ensure that you get a mental or physical break when your body asks for one. Lean on your workmates of managers and tell them that you are going on a break. Set strict boundaries for yourself and say no to calls or texts, begging you to go to work when you are on your break without feeling guilty. If you cannot just say “no,” you can switch off your phone and enjoy your break peacefully.
Most healthcare workers enjoy the challenge of working long shifts in the hospital but remember that you are working to make others feel better. Always take good care of yourself and look out for signs where your body calls for you to slow down a bit.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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