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6 Tips for Moving to Your Next Big Texas Ranch

Moving is expensive. It is also a lot of work. If you plan ahead, however, it does not have to be so stressful. The most anxiety inducing part of doing anything is often fear of the unknown. Anything can happen. When you make a dedicated plan and stick to it, you reduce the likelihood of a surprise. If you carefully plan out your move to your big Texas ranch house in San Antonio, it is more likely to go smoothly and will bring you less stress. Here are some things you should include in your plans when orchestrating your San Antonio move.


Figure Out Realistic Moving Costs


Moving isn’t cheap, but you can reduce what you will spend by doing a little work and planning ahead.

Depending on the area you are moving to, let’s say San Antonio, you may want a professional San Antonio moving company or you may want to do it on your own. Get estimates from three moving companies. If you are going to do it yourself, check into van rental places. Sometimes looking into both will help you make the decision.


Consider what other expenses will be factored into your move such as gas, hotels, food, packing materials. Make sure to find out what services what services are part of your moving package.


Find a Place to Live Before Leaving Your Old One


You will spend less on hotels if you find a place to live before you move. You will also be more likely to find a better place with more of what you are looking for if you can take your time. You will be able to do research and consider your options. Being in a hurry will only make you more desperate and willing to take anything.


Change Your Address Before Moving


You can get a change of address form from your post office or visit the USPS online. You should also start letting friends, family, your bank and anyone else who might send you mail know about your change of address at least two weeks before your move. This way as many people as possible will know where to send your mail. This should ensure that you have covered all your bases.


Get Rid of Stuff


Packing will be less time consuming and moving will be less expensive if you get rid of the stuff you don’t need or want before you begin packing. It will also make moving into your new ranch easier if you have less “stuff” to deal with. It does not matter whether you sell items, donate them, throw or give them away. Everyone has stuff they accumulate during their time in a place and much of it does not get used often. If it is not useful enough to pack, then get rid of it.


Take Copious Photos


If you have photos to prove that you left your place in as good a shape as you found it, your landlord can not charge you for damages later. The same holds true of a house. If the next person moving in tries to suggest that you left the home a disaster and tries to sue you for damages, you have some backup. Make sure to photograph the old place after you get all your stuff out and the new place before you start bringing your stuff in.


Label Your Boxes


Don’t just label boxes with what is in them, label what room they go in. The “bottles and brushes” that go in the kitchen will be different from the “bottles and brushes” that go in the bathroom. You will save yourself a lot of time if you do not have to guess.


Moving can be stressful and expensive. It does not have to be, however. If you take the time before you get started on the moving process to do some careful planning, you will have fewer surprises and less stress.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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