6 Tips on Hiring the Right Talent for Your Business

A motivated, skilled workforce is paramount to your business’s long-term success. According to research cited by Forbes, the cost of a bad hire is about 30 percent of the worker’s first-year income. If a bad hire earns $60,000 in his or her first year, for instance, it will cost your business $18,000 in lost productivity and low morale. So, consider the following hiring tips to find the right talent for your business.


#1) Don’t Hire the First Candidate

Avoid the temptation of hiring the first candidate who submits an application. Even if he or she sounds qualified for the position, other, more qualified candidates may apply. The only way you’ll know, however, is by waiting to see who else applies for the position. A good rule of thumb is to interview at least three candidates before hiring. Doing so allows you to compare candidates’ skills and experience.

#2) Ask the Right Questions

It’s also important to ask the right questions when interviewing candidates for your business. Asking a candidate where he or she sees themselves in five years, for example, will give you a better understanding of their career plans. If the candidate is looking for a short-term job instead of a career, you may want to hire someone else.

Another question to ask candidates during an interview is: “What’s your greatest weakness?” Many employers focus strictly on candidates’ strengths and skills. However, inquiring about their weaknesses can provide valuable insight into their character and whether they are a good match for your business. If a candidate says he or she doesn’t have any weaknesses, they are probably being dishonest.


#3) Consider Cultural Fit

As explained by the Harvard Business Review (HBR), you should consider whether a candidate is a good fit for your business’s culture. If the candidate doesn’t have the same values as your business, he or she probably won’t feel comfortable working for your business, nor will they reinforce your business’s culture.

#4) Use the Internet

The internet has changed the way in which we find jobs. According to the Pew Research Center, 30 percent of U.S. adults have searched for jobs online using their smartphone. As a result, the internet also offers a new channel through which employers can find talent.

You can use sites like CareerBuilder, Indeed.com, LinkedIn and Monster.com to find talent for your business. Additionally, you can post job openings on your business’s website. Rather than relying on word of mouth to attract talent, take advantage of these internet-based tools. They’ll bring more applicants to your business, giving you a greater pool of candidates from which to choose.

#5) Get Personal

Contrary to what some employers believe, it’s not a candidate’s skills that matters most; it’s their personality. You can teach a candidate new skills, but you can’t change their personality. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should overlook a candidate’s skills. Rather, you should consider their skills and personality to find the best possible talent for your business.

#6) Consider Professional Staffing Services

Scouring through countless job applications and conducting an equal amount of interviews is tedious and downright exhausting. Thankfully, there are companies that take this burden off your shoulders. If you’re looking for a computer networking specialist, for example, you can use an information technology staffing company. Since they specialize in IT staffing, they have the tools necessary to find highly skilled and experienced networking specialists.

Don’t let a bad hire hurt your business’s productivity and brand image. Follow the hiring tips listed here to find the right talent.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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