6 Tips To Keep Your Rice Cooker Durable

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Recently, rice cookers have taken over the market. They might have ‘rice’ in their name, but they can be used to cook other food items as well. Different people use it in different ways, to try out preparing intricate dishes or simple boiling food items. Based on the ways to use, durability also varies. Many owners often tend to complain that their everyday use pulls a plug on their rice cookers. Rice cooker is one of the most important appliances used these days by the homeowners.

To help you with this, here is a list of a few tips, which will prove to be useful, for you to keep your rice cooker durable and functional for a considerable period.

  • Avoid washing the rice inside the inner pot:

You must be knowing that rice is hard and sharp. Therefore, rinsing the rice inside the inner container can damage the coating severely. Hence, it is advised not to do so. Instead, you can take any other bowl to wash your rice. You must also remember that not all the rice cookers come with a warranty.

  • Use only the provided rice spatula:

You cannot afford to use metal or wooden spatula to scrape the rice out as it will damage the coating of the appliance and in turn reduce its durability. Hence, it is highly advisable to use only the spatula provided to you along with the rice cooker.

  • Wipe the outside area of the pot:

Most people do not wipe the area outside the container of the rice cooker. They end up placing the pan with uncooked rice inside the rice cooker. It could damage the heating elements of the stove along with affecting the cooking temperature of the rice.

  • Re-heating is not re-cooking:

It is vital for the rick cooker owners to understand that if they want to re-heat the rice, putting the cooked rice with an arbitrary amount of water is not a good idea. The cooker was designed for cooking and not reheating. Re-heating the rice in the microwave after freezing them can be an alternative.

  • Use soft sponges to wash the inner pot:

Using the softest sponge to clean the inner container can do wonders for your cooker. It can increase its durability and keep it sturdy. If you have dried rice at the bottom of the pot, you should not try to scrape that out. Let it soak in warm water, and then the sponge will do its work. Learn more about cooking at Thekitchenadvisor.Com.

  • Be careful with your experiments:

If you are planning to cook things other than rice in the cooker, then you must be cautious about the amounts of ingredients specified as in the recipe. If the number of ingredients becomes too much, then it can leak into the cooker’s elements along with overflowing. Hence, damaging your rice cooker. Therefore, it is preferable to experiment with small amounts at a time.

While you are buying the rice cooker for your daily use, be sure that you purchase it from a reputed brand. Well, by now you must have made a list of these tips, which will keep your rice cooker handy and prevent it from getting flimsy.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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