7 Essential Tips To Keep Your Car Looking Like New


When you invest in a new car, even if it was previously used, it’s easy to fall in love with how clean it is. If you don’t want this “new car” feeling to fade any time soon, then the tips below can help. They’re simple yet effective solutions for keeping your car clean and beautiful for as long as possible. With these, you won’t have to let that new car feeling go.


  1. Vacuum Regularly


Dirt, food crumbs, and dust can leave the floors and seats inside your car looking like a mess. By vacuuming them up quickly, they’ll be less likely to cause damage and leave your car looking dirty. While having a car wash facility vacuum for you is always an option, you can also invest in a handheld vacuum for use at your own home. These are affordable, easy to maneuver around the corners of a car and pick up dirt quickly.


  1. Care for the Seats


Cloth seats can easily be cleaned by vacuuming dirt or crumbs and spot-cleaning any stains from foods or drinks. Additionally, fabric refresher can be sprayed to refresh the scent. For leather seats, it’s recommended to use cleansers that are formulated specifically for this type of material. These will clean the seats and refresh them so they are less likely to crack and stain.


  1. Dust


Whether you drive once per week or once per day, dust will accumulate inside of your vehicle. This is especially true for the dash and vent areas, which tend to have the most buildup of dust over time. Fortunately, a duster can get help remedy this issue in just a few minutes. In fact, some drivers keep small dusters in their cars so they always have something to pick up debris.


  1. Get Regular Washes


Regular car washes can help remove dirt, mud, dust, and even minerals left over from rainy days. You can go to a car wash to have this done by someone else, however, this can become expensive and use quite a bit of water. If you’re looking for a solid alternative, you may want to try waterless car wash kits. These use less water than traditional washes, are affordable, and can be done right in your own driveway.


  1. Have Detailing Done


Many drivers shy away from car detailing because it can be expensive and take a while. However, it’s a service that’s absolutely worth it for how much work is done to refresh your car and make it look like new again. Fortunately, you don’t have to do this often to enjoy the benefits. It’s recommended to have detailing done once every six months to keep your car sparkling clean.


  1. Polish


Spots and small scratches are to be expected for any driver, although they can be irritating if you’re trying to keep your ride looking like new. To combat these issues, polishing is recommended. This can remove bumps and even small scratches from the surface so the overall look is improved. However, this should only be done after thoroughly washing and drying the vehicle.


  1. Protect


To help reduce the chance dings to the bumper that can cost you money and ruin the overall look of the car, a bumper pad is recommended. This attaches easily to the back of the car and can help prevent dents from cars that may hit you when parking. You can take it off in just a few seconds, making it an accessory you’ll be able to use as necessary.


A Car That Always Looks New


A vehicle, whether new or used, is one of the biggest investments you’ll make. To help keep it looking like new, the tips above are some of the most effective. While they do require extra time and attention to detail, it will be worth it as your car continues to look like you just bought it well into the future.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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