7 Growth Strategies to Implement on Social Media

If you want your social media accounts to be useful for business, you’ll have to find ways to make them grow. You have to think beyond the small circle of family members and people with whom you went to high school. The following are seven growth strategies you can use if you would like to improve the growth of your social media pages:

1. Post Relevant Content

Your content must always be relevant to what’s currently going on. You will grow if you have interesting content coming from your page at all times. People are mostly interested in current news events, entertainment news, and memes. Try to post some of this content, even if your entire page isn’t about it. Let’s say that you have a new product you want to market, for example. If it’s a beauty product, you can talk about some celebrities that have beautiful skin and then slip your product into the conversation. You will draw people in with your relevant content, and then you will grow your page.

2. Search for Friends Based on Business Interests

Another strategy you can use to grow your social media pages is to constantly stay on the lookout for new friends and followers. You can search by city or state, interests or business. Connect with as many people as possible that have the same interests and aspirations that you have. Then you can go ahead and post information on your social media pages as usual. Your information will go out to more people as you add friends, and your reach will become much wider than before. Don’t carelessly add people to your friends’ list if you don’t really have similar interests, however. That tactic could end up causing you more trouble than good.

3. Use Hashtags

Make sure that you use hashtags whenever you post something new. Hashtags are keywords that describe what your content entails. For example, you might use the hashtag #Samsung if you’re writing a post about the new Samsung smartphone. People will flock to your page if they’re interested in reading what you have to say about the Samsung smartphone. Hashtags should be mandatory if you’re trying to get your content out to more people and bring new people into your fold in the process.

4. Put Visual Aspects in Your Posts

You may also want to put some visual aspects in your posts. More and more people are starting to pay attention to visual content and video content rather than text blocks. Even if you don’t want to put pictures or videos in your posts, you can still jazz them up a little bit with background colors or colorful text. You also need to ensure that the content has elements of humor or information that other people can relate to. People will enjoy reading your posts and then they will want to follow you.

5. Start Making Live Videos

If you want more people to flock to your social media page, you’re going to need to start making live videos. However, you have to ensure that your content is enticing enough to make people want to flock to it. You may need to hire a live video content strategist if you want your videos to go viral enough to bring you new business.

6. Hold Contests and Ask Questions

Another idea is to ask questions when you post. That will prompt some people to become a part of your post and engage with it. You can also hold a contest if you want to. Give prizes to the winner if you afford to do so.

7. Provide Benefits

Try to post information that will be helpful to the people who read them. For example, give them access to some coupons or information on how they can get a discount on a product or service. They will be more likely to revisit your posts when you make them in the future.

Start Growing Your Social Media Page Today

Now you know what you have to do to make your social media page bigger. Use some of these seven tips and see where they take you over the next few months. You might be surprised by the results.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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